Mechanize and file_column

Hi all,

Has anyone successfully used WWW::Mechanize with file_column? I’m
trying to upload a bunch of images to a custom controller, and
something’s going wrong with the parameter names.

Using a noddy controller :create action that looks like this:

def create
render :text => params.inspect

I get this result from a manual upload from a form:

{“commit”=>“Create”, “snapshot”=>{“screenshot”=>#<File:/tmp/CGI8585.3>,
“screenshot_temp”=>"", “processes”=>“foo bar”}, “action”=>“create”,

(model name is Snapshot which has a file_column :screenshot, controller
is :snapshots)

But I get this result from Mechanize:

{“snapshot%5Bscreenshot%5D”=>#<File:/tmp/CGI8585.4>, “action”=>“create”,
“controller”=>“snapshots”, “snapshot%5Bprocesses%5D”=>"",

It looks to my untutored eye like the query keys are getting
double-quoted on upload. Anyone else seen this, or anything like it?
The code driving mechanize looks like this:

img = @form.file_uploads.find{|f| == ‘snapshot[screenshot]’}
img_name = time + ‘.png’
img.file_data =, img_name))
img.file_name = img_name
img.mime_type = ‘image/png’
@form.fields.find{|f| == ‘snapshot[processes]’}.value = ‘’
response = @agent.submit(@form)
puts response.body

@form is found from @agent.get(blah).forms.first, @agent is a

I’m stumped - I can’t see anything that looks wrong here.

Alex Y. wrote:

Hi all,

I get this result from a manual upload from a form:

{“commit”=>“Create”, “snapshot”=>{“screenshot”=>#<File:/tmp/CGI8585.3>,
“screenshot_temp”=>"", “processes”=>“foo bar”}, “action”=>“create”,

> > But I get this result from Mechanize: > > {"snapshot%5Bscreenshot%5D"=>#, "action"=>"create", > "controller"=>"snapshots", "snapshot%5Bprocesses%5D"=>"", > "snapshot%5Bscreenshot_temp%5D"=>""}

I’m replying to my own post here, because I’ve done a little more

WWW::Mechanize uses WEBrick’s HTTPUtils.escape_form on the uploaded
form, which escapes ‘[’ and ‘]’ via the ‘unwise’ character collection.

Rails builds its deep params hash by splitting the query key strings on
literal ‘[’ characters, without unquoting, which means that Mechanize’s
submission isn’t interpreted in the intended way.

Now, which is correct? Firefox submits with literal ‘[’ characters,
which makes me think that Rails is at least partially correct, but
should it also accept ‘%5B…%5D’? Is WWW::Mechanize out of spec here?

Neither would be particularly tricky to patch, and because it’s blocking
me I’ll probably do it over the next 24 hours either way. It’s just a
question of which is in the wrong and needs correcting.

Alex Y. wrote:

I’m replying to my own post here, because I’ve done a little more
Further details: PHP doesn’t unquote the key values. That’s a fair
amount of evidence pointing to WWW::Mechanize being at fault…