Using GRC, I tried to implement that method of calculation as shown in
attached figure,
1/ Is the flowgraph correct, or is there any missing block (decimation)
2/ Then how can I read in human readable format (ASCII) the RSSI values
the test_RSSI.txt file sink ?
3/ Is there a way to command the duration of execution of the flowgraph
within GRC () ?
4/ How can I format the test_RSSI.txt file sink to obtain single RSSI
per line ?
1/ Is the flowgraph correct, or is there any missing block (decimation) ?
There are blocks in GRC to do all of that.
2/ Then how can I read in human readable format (ASCII) the RSSI values from
the test_RSSI.txt file sink ?
3/ Is there a way to co
Use a “head” block – you can tell it how many samples to process
mmand the duration of execution of the flowgraph
within GRC () ?
4/ How can I format the test_RSSI.txt file sink to obtain single RSSI values
per line ?
The file-sink blocks write out data values in raw-binary format, not
ASCII text.
You could use a “probe” and poll the probe at 1Hz and have it call a
Python function of your own to to the ASCII conversions.
Actually I tried using the binascii python module, but what I got is as
with the binascii.b2a_qp(data) function:
and with the binascii.b2a_uu(data) function:
L TPP -, #3# TPP -, #3#%YZTPM&8FL*=7H/"K;)ZP@0^3<(
Am I misusing functions, how can I get number values as output
Marcus L.-2 wrote
The file-sink blocks write out data values in raw-binary format, not
ASCII text.
You could use a “probe” and poll the probe at 1Hz and have it call a
Python function of your own to to the ASCII conversions.
How can I configure the frequency of polling to 1Hz (Is “probe” here
to “Prob Signal” block in GRC ?)