Measuring memory using ruby-prof - help required

Hi All,

I have a requirement wherein, I need to calculate memory utilized during
particular external function calls.

After exploring I came across gem - ruby-prof which was suitable for
returning me memory usage.

But after installing, ruby-prof was able to return only CPU utilization.
It was written that one will require patch version of ruby-prof in order
to return memory utilization.

I could search the patch for ruby prof on net but was unable to apply
to ruby-prof gem. Problem was due to some incorrect revision.

I also tried github for applying patch but with no success.

Can anyone please provide me patched version of ruby- prof which can be
used to calculate memory usage.

Or else if you have any other idea for calculating memory usage. Thanks


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I could search the patch for ruby prof on net but was unable to apply
to ruby-prof gem. Problem was due to some incorrect revision.

the patch should patch “core”

Also you “should” get working memory profiling if you use REE. Which is
only available on posix are you on windows?

If I were you I’d do my own profiling, just use the os gem:

=> 14823424

Also there is memprof:

that’s pretty aggressive :slight_smile:

On 5/30/11, [email protected]
[email protected] wrote:

to return memory utilization.

I could search the patch for ruby prof on net but was unable to apply that
to ruby-prof gem. Problem was due to some incorrect revision.

I also tried github for applying patch but with no success.

Can anyone please provide me patched version of ruby- prof which can be
used to calculate memory usage.

Or else if you have any other idea for calculating memory usage. Thanks

which OS? Anyway ruby-prof today requires a patched ruby interpreter,
then it can work with memory.