Md2man 1.0.1 (was redcarpet-manpage)

md2man - write UNIX man pages in Markdown
GitHub - sunaku/md2man: đź“š Converts markdown into UNIX manual pages

What is it?

md2man is a Ruby library and command-line program that converts
Markdown documents into UNIX man pages (really Roff documents)
using Redcarpet2.

What is new?

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed the project from “redcarpet-manpage” to “md2man”.

    • RedcarpetManpage::Renderer is now Md2Man::Engine.

    • RedcarpetManpage::RENDERER is now Md2Man::ENGINE.

  • Tagged paragraphs no longer require the first line to begin with
    italic or bold styling. All that matters is that the subsequent
    lines are indented.

External changes:

  • Added md2man(1) executable for command-line usage.

  • Added support for all HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0 entities.

  • Added support for tables, horizontal rules, and more.

  • Added Md2Man::Roff mixin for advanced Redcarpet2 usage.

  • Improved README with some new and revised documentation.

Internal changes:

  • Rewrote entire Markdown to Roff conversion from scratch while
    doing TDD.