Mblock library API update

In the latest trunk (r10144), the C++ header files for the mblock
library have been moved into their own subdirectory.

For those people using the mblock library, in your source code you will
need to change the #include statements as follows:

#include <mb_mblock.h>


#include <mblock/mblock.h>

You will need to do this for all mb_* header files you use.

The changes have already been made to the USRP in-band mblocks.

It is recommended that you do a ‘make uninstall’ before ‘svn update’,
then re-install after re-compiling the updated trunk. Otherwise, you
may be left with both the old and the new copies of the files.


Two directories need to have “make clean” issued after “svn up” if
you’re reusing your build directory: “mblock/src/lib” and “usrp/host/
lib/inband”. These directories contain built sources which are not
updated by SVN and thus not rebuilt. Those built sources include
mblock header files which have moved and thus “make” will error out
trying to compile them (the built sources, not the header files). - MLD

On Sun, 2008-12-21 at 21:24 -0500, Michael D. wrote:

Two directories need to have “make clean” issued after “svn up” if
you’re reusing your build directory: “mblock/src/lib” and “usrp/host/
lib/inband”. These directories contain built sources which are not
updated by SVN and thus not rebuilt. Those built sources include
mblock header files which have moved and thus “make” will error out
trying to compile them (the built sources, not the header files). - MLD

Thanks for pointing this out; I should have posted something to the list

In general, it’s always a good idea to do a ‘make clean’ before doing an
SVN update. Most of the time, you can get away without it; however, as
you pointed out, this was not one of them. In fact, you should do a
‘make uninstall’ as well, to delete the installed files that might not
exist after the update.

Also, by using the ‘ccache’ application, the extra compile time to
rebuild the cleaned directories is dramatically reduced.
