Match with string instead of regexp fails

According to the 1.8.5 core API:

str =~ obj => fixnum or nil

Match. If obj is a Regexp, use it as a pattern to match against str. If
obj is a String, look for it in str (similar to String#index). Returns
the position the match starts, or nil if there is no match.

So I expect “cat” =~ “a” #=> 1


irb(main):013:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> “1.8.5”
irb(main):014:0> “cat” =~ “a”
TypeError: type mismatch: String given
from (irb):14:in `=~’
from (irb):14
from :0

An undocumented change? Sorry if this has come up before, I did try to
find out. Thx - m.

On 10/11/06, matt neuburg [email protected] wrote:

find out. Thx - m.
In the CVS [1] there’s a new documentation omitting the ‘string’
clause, so I suppose it’s a documentation error.

If you know a bit of C you can see for yourself.

From the CVS history - the TypeError was added around 1.8.2, so it’s
there pretty long.

The doc was fixed between 1.8.5-pre1 and 1.8.5-pre2. Form that it
seems that the docs on ruby-doc are rather old, and not exactly 1.8.5
ones as they say…


Jan S. [email protected] wrote:

An undocumented change? Sorry if this has come up before, I did try to
The doc was fixed between 1.8.5-pre1 and 1.8.5-pre2. Form that it
seems that the docs on ruby-doc are rather old, and not exactly 1.8.5
ones as they say…


Excellent, thanks. m.