We’re using map.resources :customers to give an external
application access to our customers table. In addition to the
standards methods like index/new/show etc… we would like to
implement some custom methods.
For example one custom method could be the case when you want to
return all customers with a specific lastname instead of just all
customers or one specific customers.
So I implemented a method searchCustomers which takes the respective
lastname param for searching the database. Now that method doesn’t
work because rails tries to map the searchCustomer?
customer[lastname]=xy to an ID.
Do I need to have a separate controller for these methods? or am I
missing something
So I implemented a method searchCustomers which takes the respective
lastname param for searching the database. Now that method doesn’t
work because rails tries to map the searchCustomer?
customer[lastname]=xy to an ID.
I don’t know if you’d like to approach it the same way I did, but here
I use the index method for my searches. I check if there are search
in the request, and modify my find accordingly.