Map module not working with new 1.1.0

Hi Guys,

Has anyone experienced any issues with the map module using the new
compile of nginx? I am mapping user agents and under 1.0.5 everything
worked great, with the new version the exact same config doesnt seem to
working. I’ve tried two different maps based on previous comments and
neither seem to work. Anyone else?

http {

map $http_user_agent $searchengine {
default 0;
~(?i)mozilla 1;
~*mozilla 1;

location / {

if ($searchengine){
#return 418;
rewrite ^ /testing/ redirect;


On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 07:45:47PM -0400, Rami E. wrote:

rewrite ^ /testing/ redirect;

Works fine here in 1.1.0.

Maxim D.

I am so sorry for the false alarm. When testing nginx I reload the
using the nginx -s reload command. Because I am using a virtual
environment my IP address had shift and the config IP mapping was no
accurate but the reload command did not notify me of the conflict.
killing nginx and starting it again it gave me the proper error code:
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (99: Cannot assign

This is a small thing I guess but it would have been nice when using the
reload command that it informed me that something was wrong instead of
not accepting the changes I made.



On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 08:35:25PM -0400, Rami E. wrote:

not accepting the changes I made.
On reload nginx doesn’t reopen listen sockets as long as they
haven’t changed in config, so it will never know your ips are no
longer valid.

If something actually goes wrong during reload - nginx will log
appropriate information to global error before giving up. Note
that it’s already running master process which does a reload and
there is no way to log to console (“nginx -s reload” merely sends
SIGHUP to running nginx master process and was introduced mainly
for Windows where one can’t do “kill -HUP”).

Maxim D.

map $http_user_agent $searchengine {
