I’m trying to figure out a good way to incorporate manual testing into
automated testing. I have a little snippet of what I’ve been working on
at 7901’s gists · GitHub
It basically assumes a manual test has a description and a series of
steps. Steps can take blocks of code to be executed in the context of
the test. I think this is a good start, but I haven’t been able to think
of a good way to run manual tests by themselves or even in combination
with automated tests. As you can see in the gist I tried using
ENV[‘MANUAL’] but that will only work if the spec is part of a rake task
since using ‘ruby’ or ‘spec’ will attempt to gobble up the environment
variable assignment:
$ rake spec MANUAL=true ← works
$ ruby foo.rb MANUAL=true ← FAIL
$ spec foo.rb MANUAL=true ← FAIL
So if anyone has any insights on how they’ve done manual testing or any
inspiration(:D) from the gist please let me know.
Note: I spiked this out a while back with the Moonit gem(which was for
test::unit), but I was not happy with the results.