Manipulating "params[:some]" with ActiveRecod::Find on ":select" method

Hello all,

I trying to pass the params from a form to the :select (field list) in
my controller

like this => Processo.find :all,:conditions => {
:tipo_acao_id =>
:fase_id =>
:resultado_id =>
:situacao_id =>
:justica_id =>
}, :select =>

So, the SQL returns an error, the fields are going together w/o spaces
or comma!

How to convert the params[:some] into a formatted string to make sql

tnks a lot!!!

On 27 Jan 2009, at 16:10, flaubert wrote:

So, the SQL returns an error, the fields are going together w/o spaces
or comma!

How to convert the params[:some] into a formatted string to make sql

That entirely depends on what is in params[:some] (beware sql
injection too - can’t remember to what extent AR protects you there)
