I work with forms and i won’t to set a name for a form to use
javascript functions…
How can i do
I work with forms and i won’t to set a name for a form to use
javascript functions…
How can i do
Hi Zied kh
and i won’t to set a name for a form to use
Assuming this is “I want”
hi Sijo k g
But, using rails form
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 6:34 AM, Zied [email protected] wrote:
I work with forms and i won’t to set a name for a form to use
javascript functions…
How can i doThanks
Zied, you can do the following:
<% form_for some_object, :url => { :action => do_something }, :html =>
:name => “some_name” } do |form| % >
<% end %>
BTW, this information could have been found by going to
Good luck,
Hi Zied kh
You can check form_for, form_tag,… helpers in api.rubyonrails.org
As an example with form_tag you can specify id like
<% form_tag(@sales_order,{:id => ‘this_is_form_id’}) do %>
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