Manipulating an Array Element

Hi All,

I am saving some html code in an Array, I then want to extract certain
values from the html code.

I have saved the html code into an Array but having difficulty
manipulating the elements to extract the exact value that I require from
the html code.

Here is the code:

#searches for images in the page which indicate platform number and
stores them in an array
platImages = (@doc/‘img[@width^=“54”]’)

#above search returns an unwanted image, so delete
#puts platImages

#go through images names to get platform number
platImages.each { |img|
#convert element to string

            #in this part, I have tried various string manipulation

methods to extract the values that i need, but doesn’t seem to work, it
either returns nil for each element or throws an error

puts img

Any help is greatly appreciated.


On Mar 24, 4:07 am, Saeed B. [email protected] wrote:

I have saved the html code into an Array but having difficulty
manipulating the elements to extract the exact value that I require from
the html code.

What difficulty?

            #in this part, I have tried various string manipulation

methods to extract the values that i need, but doesn’t seem to work, it
either returns nil for each element or throws an error

What do you want to do? What have you tried? What happened? Why wasn’t
it what you wanted?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Provide more details, get more help :slight_smile:

Gavin K. wrote:

On Mar 24, 4:07�am, Saeed B. [email protected] wrote:

I have saved the html code into an Array but having difficulty
manipulating the elements to extract the exact value that I require from
the html code.

What difficulty?

� � � � � � � � #in this part, I have tried various string manipulation
methods to extract the values that i need, but doesn’t seem to work, it
either returns nil for each element or throws an error

What do you want to do? What have you tried? What happened? Why wasn’t
it what you wanted?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Provide more details, get more help :slight_smile:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘hpricot’
require ‘open-uri’
#open the web page
@doc= Hpricot(open(“”))

#searches for images in the page and stores them in an array
images = (@doc/'img[@width^="54"]')

#puts images

#go through images names to get platform number
images.each { |img|
#extract characters one to four from image name
            puts img

However this returns the error ‘wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)

Hope this make sense…


On Mar 24, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Saeed B. wrote:

string manipulation
Provide more details, get more help :slight_smile:

#puts images

#go through images names to get platform number
images.each { |img|
#extract characters one to four from image name

Assuming your problem is here^

img.to_s does not convert the image to a string (img is a dom element,

Try something like img.to_s[0,4] or img[‘src’][0,4] (but please look
in the documentation for Hpricot to see how to get the part you want
as a string).


Posted via

Rob B.
[email protected]

Rob B. wrote:

On Mar 24, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Saeed B. wrote:

string manipulation
Provide more details, get more help :slight_smile:

#puts images

#go through images names to get platform number
images.each { |img|
#extract characters one to four from image name

Assuming your problem is here^

img.to_s does not convert the image to a string (img is a dom element,

Try something like img.to_s[0,4] or img[‘src’][0,4] (but please look
in the documentation for Hpricot to see how to get the part you want
as a string).


Posted via

Rob B.
[email protected]

Thanks Rob, I did:
platNo = img[‘src’].to_s
#extract the platform number from the image name
puts platNo[1,1]

And it returns the value I need.

Once again, many thanks.
