Major Scaffolding Extensions Release

This is just a heads up to Scaffolding Extensions plugin users that the
latest revision (r90, which I just released) breaks backwards
compatibility, so you’ll want to read the doc/conversion.txt file in the
plugin before upgrading. Changes will be fairly easy unless you were a
heavy user that depended on the previous internals of the plugin.

The plugin has been around since before Rails 1.0 (parts of the code
were around before the plugin system was introduced), and changes have
been pretty much backwards compatible since, so I don’t break backwards
compatibility without a good reason. In this case, keeping it would do
more harm than good to the plugin, as I refactored most of it to be able
support other frameworks (it now supports Ramaze) and ORMs, as well as
give much more control over the data displayed on the scaffolded forms.

If you aren’t familiar with the plugin, here’s info from the README:

Scaffolding Extensions provides a powerful and simple to use
administrative interface to perform common actions on models. It has
the following features:

  • Creates pages for browsing, creating, deleting, displaying, updating,
    searching, and merging records
  • Choose which fields are displayed in the scaffolds and in which order
  • Handles associated records for common one-to-many, many-to-one, and
    many-to-many associations.
  • Extensive support for modifying the display and working of the plugin
  • Advanced features such as access control, autocompleting, and eager

Scaffolding Extensions is not a code generator, and isn’t really
scaffolding at all, as you are not expected to modify the output.
Instead, you use configuration options inside the model to control the
display of the pages. The scaffolding analogy is misleading,
Scaffolding Extensions is not really scaffolding–it is a completely
functional structure that you can easily modify to better suit your

Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any
questions about Scaffolding Extensions.
