Major Headache incoming

Here we go again. I apologize in advance. When I’m trying to learn both
Ruby and RoR it confuses the crap out of me…

I have looked at many MANY tutorials such as:

and a ton of reading.

None really capture the things I really want to find out how to make…
I don’t know if I should just keep looking and keep reading but it’s
starting to make me not want to try and learn it anymore. But I know its
going to take time to learn it all so I’m up for it! LETS GO!

thank you for reading <3

ps. I’m working on Ubuntu 11.10

Buy a book. Agile Web D. with Rails. It has a new edition for
rails 3.1. It’s considered to be the primer for all beginning RoR

Dheeraj K.

On 4 December 2011 00:00, Mathew S. [email protected] wrote:

None really capture the things I really want to find out how to make…
I don’t know if I should just keep looking and keep reading but it’s
starting to make me not want to try and learn it anymore. But I know its
going to take time to learn it all so I’m up for it! LETS GO!

The point of tutorials such as is not to show you
how to develop an app like the one in the tutorial. It is to show
some of the basic techniques and tools available and how to put them
together. You say you have “looked at” that tutorial and others.
Looking at it is no good you have to spend a few days working right
through it and making sure you understand everything there. Then
you should have a good idea on how to start building the app you want
to build. You won’t know everything by any means but you will know
enough to be able to carry out meaningful research to find out where
to go from there.


Take a weekend off and watch Railscasts 001 - 300