Mailer Behavior for Radiant XHTML Bug


While validating my XHTML pages I got an error from the Mailer Behavior:

  # Build the html form tag...
  results =  %Q(<form action="#{ url }" method="POST"

can be

  # Build the html form tag...
  results =  %Q(<form action="#{ url }" method="post"

and it validates. I’m not sure why it is capitalised? :slight_smile:


On 9/13/06, Dave C. [email protected] wrote:

  results =  %Q(<form action="#{ url }" method="post"

and it validates. I’m not sure why it is capitalised? :slight_smile:

The HTTP 1.1 spec says it needs to be:

I can’t imagine how that would affect validation. What is the
validation error you were/are getting?


On 13/09/06, Tom von Schwerdtner [email protected] wrote:

The HTTP 1.1 spec says it needs to be:

HTTP/1.1: Request

I can’t imagine how that would affect validation. What is the
validation error you were/are getting?


Dave C. wrote:

and it validates. I’m not sure why it is capitalised? :slight_smile:
Dave, perhaps you could create a patch for this and send it to Matt
McCray. Plugins are pretty easy to modify.

John L.

On Sep 14, 2006, at 5:10 AM, Tom von Schwerdtner wrote:

I can’t imagine how that would affect validation. What is the
validation error you were/are getting?

The HTTP spec isn’t relevant when validating xhtml. When the browser
talks to the server over HTTP it has to be uppercase, but in xhtml
(judging from these validation results) it needs to be lowercase (and
thus the browser must convert it before talking to the server).

Not all that useful, but just in case anyone cares (^_^)


On 14/09/06, John W. Long [email protected] wrote:

Dave, perhaps you could create a patch for this and send it to Matt
McCray. Plugins are pretty easy to modify.

Could you point me in the direction of tutorials to do this? I’m happy
to but don’t know how :slight_smile:

When I just changed the lib/mailer.rb file then my changes did not
take effect, so I put the <r:> code for the form in an <r:comment> and
copy and pasted the generated XHTML form back into the page part and
edited it from there, both for XHTML compliance and for accessibility
with fieldset and legend tags, which need all inputs to have id

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On 9/13/06, Bodhi [email protected] wrote:

  results =  %Q(<form action="#{ url }" method="POST"

Not all that useful, but just in case anyone cares (^_^)
Ah, good point.
