I am having trouble with one of my notifications. For some reason it
doesn’t seem to even try and send. I have notifications in other
locations and they send just fine.
Here is the code that should call the notification:
if @post.save
# We want to set the updated_at time if the post was saved
# Updating the number of replies would be good too.
Conversation.update(params[:conversation_id], { :updated_at =>
Time.now, :replies => replies })
User.update(session[:user].id, { :num_posts =>
(session[:user].num_posts += 1) })
conv_owner = Conversation.find(params[:conversation_id]).user_id
owner_email = User.find(conv_owner).email
if session[:conversation]
redirect_to :controller => 'conversations', :action =>
‘show’, :id => session[:conversation]
Here is the Notification method:
def new_thread_post(to, conversation_id, sent_at = Time.now)
@subject = “Someone has posted to your thread”
@body[‘conversation_url’] = “http://happyleper.com/conversations/
@recipients = to
@from = ‘[email protected]’
@sent_on = sent_at
@headers = {}
And the template:
There has been a reply to your thread at:
<%= @conversation_url %>
When I make a thread post the code inside the if is run but I don’t
see anything in the logs about the notification sending or failing.
There is no postfix activity in /var/log/messages though so it would
appear that it doesn’t run or dies before trying to send the email.
Any ideas?