Maching input and output xmlsimple

I’m using xmlsimple to change values opn configurations files and it
works great! My only problem is that XMLout does not match my input
xml file format. Does anybody has any advise?

Thanks Hugo

hborda wrote:

I’m using xmlsimple to change values opn configurations files and it
works great! My only problem is that XMLout does not match my input
xml file format. Does anybody has any advise?

If you’re using xmlsimple in the first place, odds are the format of
your document isn’t semantically significant. Xmlsimple lets you pick a
string with which to indent a level of the tree in the output, but
that’s it - your original formatting is lost when you read the document.
For what it’s worth, the output of xmlsimple looks like fairly standard
fare, is there anything in specific you don’t like about it? Massaging
the XML file with a beautifier (e.g.
after writing it out might help.

David V.