Boost in MacPorts was updated yesterday (March 5) to 1.53, which fixes
the threading issues found in the 1.52 release. Unfortunately, it looks
like the Boost folks have broken 32-bit compiling at least on Mac OS X
(all versions). So, +universal (combined 32 ad 64 bit builds) are out,
as are most older 32-bit only computers running Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, and
even some on 10.6. Folks running 10.7 or 10.8 (which are both 64-bit
native) should be OK so long as you don’t need a universal install. I,
and others, have verified that Boost 1.53 plays nicely with GNU Radio in
64-bit mode (unlike 1.52). So, for those folks still running Boost 1.51
(as I was), you should be OK upgrading Boost to 1.53 so long as you
don’t need a 32-bit version. If you need a 32-bit version, stick with
1.51 for now per the instructions in a prior email on this list (by me).
You should be able to use “port -n” to upgrade or install without
activating the newer Boost. - MLD