i’ve a small test using rubyaeosa-0.2.3, works great if i let the output
“as is”.
In that case, according to SubEthaEdit (a MacOS X editor) the output
string is encoded in MacOS Roman.
Because i’ll use the output in an xml form i need to translate to UTF-8.
if i make use of Kconv#toutf8 i get japanese (presumably) chars :
René (true char “é” output “as is” = MacOS Roman)
Ren (if i use Kconv#toutf8)
Anaïs (true char “é” output “as is” = MacOS Roman)
"A"n"a<ï and s replaced by a “japanese” char> (use of Kconv#toutf8)
also if i make use of Iconv.new(‘MACROMAN’, ‘UTF-8’).iconv(str)
i get an error message :
AddressBook2vCardXml.rb:32:in `iconv’: “\216” (Iconv::IllegalSequence)
for the first accentuated string (the “é” of René).
here is my script :
require ‘osx/aeosa’
require ‘kconv’
require ‘iconv’
def album_list
result = OSX.do_osascript %{
tell application “Address Book”
set a to first name of people
set b to last name of people
end tell
firstName = result[0].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
lastName = result[1].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
return firstName.map {|i| [ i,lastName.shift ] }
aFile = File.new(“AddressBook.xml”, “w”)
album_list.each do |f,l|
aFile.puts “#{f} #{l}” // output “as is”
aFile.puts “#{f.toutf8} #{l.toutf8}” // use Kconv#toutf8
fu = Iconv.new(‘MACROMAN’, ‘UTF-8’).iconv(f) // use of Iconv
lu = Iconv.new(‘MACROMAN’, ‘UTF-8’).iconv(l) // use of Iconv
aFile.puts “#{fu} #{lu}” // use of Iconv
notice also that, if i do the encoding conversion using command line by
iconv -f MACROMAN -t UTF-8 AddressBook.xml > AddressBook-UTF-8.xml
“AddressBook.xml” being the output of my Ruby script, i get
“AddressBook-UTF-8.xml” correctly encoded !!!
may be that’s the only solution for the time being ?