Hi Clark - Various levels of response. Bottom line is: You’re way
outside the scope of usual OSX / GNU Radio / MacPorts installs, so I
don’t know what assistance “we” can provide if the issue is non-
standard (as this one seems to be). Good luck! - MLD
According to the EULA for Mac OS X 10.5, it’s not legal to run it
as a VM – this fact is well publicized on the internet. I don’t know
about 10.6 – rumor was that that clause would be diluted or removed,
but I haven’t checked the EULA or any sites that might have such
info. That said, I, personally, don’t care if anyone decides to do so
so long as the install is otherwise legal. That said, if I were in
your shoes, I wouldn’t go around advertising what I’m doing in public
forums; my US$0.02 worth, although you didn’t ask.
The MacPorts install of GNU Radio has been messed up for a long
time, and may or not work depending on many factors. I’ve submitted
fixes and updates multiple times, but they have yet to be integrated;
I’ve applied to be a MacPorts developer & maintainer of the GNU Radio
ports, but I have yet to hear even a peep back from them.
I highly do -not- recommend installing GNU Radio from MacPorts at
this time – no matter if using a VM or otherwise; I do recommend
using the either 3.2.2 tarball or latest GIT master instead –
depending on the version of OSX you’re using and your preferences
(e.g., 64-bit compiling required the GIT master). That said, the
dependencies for GNU Radio are fair game for installing using MacPorts
and should currently work at least on a real box.
The actual error is “./libtool: No such file or directory” … so
it looks like GCC didn’t configure a subdirectory correctly – maybe
didn’t link correctly to libtool when configuring? I do have “gcc43 @4.3.4_0 (active)” installed on my (real) MacBook Pro, so it can be
done. Given that you’re working on a VM, I’d have to believe the
issue is on that front and not MacPorts or GCC specifically – but I
really don’t know since I’ve never tried what you’re doing. I’ve
never seen this issue (VM or otherwise), and if searching the internet
doesn’t help either then you’ll need to hack into the MacPorts build
directory to see what’s going on (I use “pushd port dir gcc43/work”
and then ‘ls’ to figure out where to ‘cd’ from there) & if you can
correct it manually.
According to the EULA for Mac OS X 10.5, it’s not legal to run it
as a VM – this fact is well publicized on the internet. I don’t know
about 10.6 – rumor was that that clause would be diluted or removed,
but I haven’t checked the EULA or any sites that might have such
info. That said, I, personally, don’t care if anyone decides to do so
so long as the install is otherwise legal. That said, if I were in
your shoes, I wouldn’t go around advertising what I’m doing in public
forums; my US$0.02 worth, although you didn’t ask.
Didn’t realize they cared as long as you purchase the OS. Guess I’ll try
dual boot instead, but I doubt that’s this particular problem.
Everything else seems to run okay.
depending on the version of OSX you’re using and your preferences
(e.g., 64-bit compiling required the GIT master). That said, the
dependencies for GNU Radio are fair game for installing using MacPorts
and should currently work at least on a real box.
good to know. I’ll try the gnuradio tarball when I get that far. I
suspect the dependencies will need gcc43 though so without a binary for
that I’m probably sol.
and then ‘ls’ to figure out where to ‘cd’ from there) & if you can
correct it manually.
yeah it seems to expect a shell script called libtool there. I’ll keep
digging. Thanks
MacPorts portfiles for GNU Radio for the 3.2.2 release tarball.
I’ll see if I can get additional ‘gnuradio-devel’ portfiles made for
the GIT master; I think they allow for this option. More when I
have it in place.
That’s great news!
I am new to the “hands-on” portion of the project but prefer to use
Mac equipment since I have a couple of Mac mini’s laying around and am
not a developer.
Will you be doing any testing? I would be glad to lend assistance if
I can.
I finally received word just now that I’ll be approved shortly as a
MacPorts developer; yay! Once I’m approved, I’ll update the
MacPorts portfiles for GNU Radio for the 3.2.2 release tarball.
I’ll see if I can get additional ‘gnuradio-devel’ portfiles made
for the GIT master; I think they allow for this option. More when
I have it in place.
Will you be doing any testing? I would be glad to lend assistance
if I can.
Hi Charles - When I get far enough along, I’ll put together a “how to”
& tarball for those interested & you can try it out. MacPorts allows
you to use local Portfiles to do installs; you do have to be careful,
but they work for testing purposes quite well so long as you remove
them after testing. I’ll post details once I get there. Thanks for
offering to test. - MLD
Didn’t realize they cared as long as you purchase the OS. Guess I’ll
try dual boot instead, but I doubt that’s this particular problem.
Everything else seems to run okay.
I’m not saying they do care; my bet is that so long as you own a
variety of Apple products, the license is honest (enough), & you don’t
go around flaunting what you’ve done, they probably won’t care. That
said, postings to public forums last forever, so just be careful …
that’s all I’m saying.
The MacPorts install of GNU Radio has been messed up for a long
time, and may or not work depending on many factors. I’ve submitted
fixes and updates multiple times, but they have yet to be integrated;
I’ve applied to be a MacPorts developer & maintainer of the GNU Radio
ports, but I have yet to hear even a peep back from them.
I finally received word just now that I’ll be approved shortly as a
MacPorts developer; yay! Once I’m approved, I’ll update the MacPorts
portfiles for GNU Radio for the 3.2.2 release tarball. I’ll see if I
can get additional ‘gnuradio-devel’ portfiles made for the GIT master;
I think they allow for this option. More when I have it in place.
yeah it seems to expect a shell script called libtool there. I’ll
keep digging.
We have been requested to provide some signals for another
organization to detect and analyze. We don’t have to receive anything
and so it is perfectly acceptable to pregenerate the outgoing waveform
and just play it back over the air.
Here are a couple of the requests that, hopefully, are within the
capabilities of the USRP with the RFX2450 daughterboard.
Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum in the 5.8GHz ISM band. They want a
data rate of at least 500kbps and want 9 channels in the hopping
sequence with a channel separation of at least 16MHz.
The issue I see here is that each hop will require a retuning of the
daughterboard’s center frequency. How long does it take the USRP to
One thought I had was to use two daughterboards and ping pong back and
forth between them. While one is transmitting the other can be tuning
to the next hop. Does this sound feasible? How quickly can the
transmit signal be switched from one daughterboard to the other?
I’ve updated MacPorts to use GNU Radio 3.2.2 ; if you’re using OSX
10.5 or 10.6 as 32-bit, please give these ports a try & see if they
work for you. And, let me know if you run into any difficulties.
Your shell environment’s PYTHONPATH and such just need to work with
MacPorts – nothing special added for GNU Radio since it’s installed
by MacPorts. These ports will compile on as 32-bit only right now.
I’ll be adding in patches for 64-bit compilation “real soon now”.
Turns out it’s easier to just commit the changes than create a tarball
& have folks beta test … really wish they used GIT, since it would
make beta testing doable and quite simple. More soon. - MLD
I’ve checked in MacPorts modifications that should allow for
installing GNU Radio 3.2.2 via MacPorts on 10.5 (Intel or PPC; 32 or
64 bit; “universal” too) or 10.6 (32 or 64 bit, except for gr-wxgui
since it relies on wxPython which doesn’t have a 64-bit compatible
version yet; wxWidgets 2.9.0 claims to be 64-bit on OSX, finally). If
there are any OSX users of GNU Radio who have some spare time /
cycles, can you please give MacPorts a try to see if “sudo port
install gnuradio” (or, some subset such as just “sudo port install
gnuradio-audio-osx”) works for you – and get back to me if not. - MLD
As another OS X + GNU Radio user, I really appreciate your efforts! I
running “sudo port install gnuradio” on my MacBook Pro running 10.6.2.
fails with the following error:
This is the same error as ticket #21292. I’ve seen “suffix or operands
invalid” types of errors while trying to compile other projects on 10.6
(most recently, for ffmpeg and libavcodec). As you have guessed, it has
something to do with disparities between 32-bit and 64-bit architecture
instructions. Hence, I am not sure if these files can be compiled for
only by twiddling configure parameters… In some cases, I have managed
get past such problems by using “gcc -m32”, but this has often cause
problems later on in the build process, for instance, linking with
Thank you Marcel for mentioning that “little” detail: before trying
MacPorts out, if it’s already installed, you’ll want to do what he
wrote below in order to get the latest portfiles w/ patches & such.
Hopefully that will solve your issue Kunal; if not, let me know.
% sudo port selfupdate
% sudo port upgrade outdated
After that everything is installed except gnuradio-utils which seems to
depend on gnuradio-wxgui and py26-wxpython
This seemed to work, but grc is not installed either. Attempting
to install gnuradio-grc yields the same original error. Seems its still
trying to install the non-existent 64-bit version of wxPython.
Running port “selfupdate” and “upgrade outdated” helped, as did
skipping wxPython and other packages depending on it. However, I also
had to
re-build a lot of dependencies to include universal builds (using sudo
upgrade --enforce-variants +universal).
It seems to be working now, although I’ve only tried running a few audio
hanks for all the feedback thus far! Can those of you on this thread
return back to me the following (as executed in a terminal,
gcc -v
uname -a
Once I figure out the logic (and, via the below discussion, I think I
know what to do but I just want more info to confirm my beliefs), I
can insert a warning or something into the portfile for wxgui so that
this issue doesn’t happen. - MLD
I think this is an OSX 10.6 32/64 bit issue, which I’ve worked around
in GNU Radio already – and as folks are finding, this error occurs in
a background requirement (wxPython). IIRC:
If you boot into 10.5 (which is mixed 32/64-bit, no matter the CPU),
you get 32-bit compiling by default with the option of 64-bit via the
‘-arch x86_64’ flag to the compiler. This behavior made sense because
the kernel itself wasn’t truly 64-bit.
If you boot into 10.6 via the 32-bit kernel, then you get 32-bit
compiling by default even if your CPU supports 64-bit compiling (just
like 10.5, btw).
If you boot into 10.6 via the 64-bit kernel (assuming your CPU
supports it; not all do that can execute 10.6), then you get 64-bit
compiling by default.
A simple way to check to see which bit-size compiling is currently
supported is to get “sizeof (void*)” and see if it is 4 or 8 (32 or 64
bit, respectively). Note that performing the test in this manner
means one cannot make a “universal” executable via combining “-arch
i386” and “-arch x86_64” … you have to choose one way or the other.
I’ve already implemented that change into the GNU Radio portfiles:
when doing a universal install each file is compiled twice then the
results merged together.
wxPython ( – the latest stable release) will currently
compile only as 32-bit; the error folks are getting occurs when trying
to compile wxPython as 64-bit.
Marcel, Ed, and Kunal - Thanks for the data points – it looks like
all 3 of your computers booted from the 64-bit kernel; please correct
me if I’m wrong.
Anyone else on the GR list have a Mac running OSX 10.5 or 10.6 who
would care to participate in getting some more data points? I’m in
particular looking for 32-bit 10.6, but the more data points the
better to show that the ports actually work as hoped.
(1) Use MacPorts to try to install GNU Radio (if already installed):
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gnuradio
or, if you know you’re running on 10.6 as 64-bit (see the NOTE below),
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gnuradio-audio-osx
(2) return to me whether (1) worked, and also the results of executing
the following in a terminal:
gcc -v
uname -a
NOTE: If you’re running 10.6 with the 64-bit kernel, then you’ll have
errors installing wxPython since it is not 64-bit compatible yet.
There is no way around this issue at this time; these data points are
to help provide me info so that I can get the portfiles to work no
matter which OSX version or kernel you’re compiling for.
Hi Ed - Thanks for the feedback, it’s useful; I don’t mind being
wrong! I’ll have to set up my Mac to do multi-boot (10.5 and 10.6) in
order to further test this issue out. That said, the kernel bit-tage
doesn’t really matter since it’s the compiler that determines the
applications bit-tage. My guess is that, just like under 10.5, one
can compile and execute 64-bit applications … but under 10.5, 32-bit
was the default while under 10.6, 64-bit is the default. !@#$% Apple
for making all of this so %$#! complex … I guess that’s *&^%
progress; not that I’m giving Linux cudos here for making the 32/64
bit “easy” … I’ll see if I can put some changes into the wxgui
portfile so that it disallows 64-bit compiling for now, since that
seems to be the common factor in the feedback I’ve received and in my
testing. - MLD
I get another try to install gnuradio with macports.
Just because I saw that is a new "libsdl-devel"port that could resolve
the previous issues with the use of TVRX on a GR/(ppc)OSX system.
So gnuradio-video-sdl was installed with “libsdl-devel” and not
“libsdl”, to be closed to the Linux used packages.
But now I encounter a new issue concearning the python wxwrappers:
Python wxWidgets wrappers (py25-wxpython and wxWidgets, I mean) are
installed and “active” but when I want to install the “gnuradio-wxgui”
port I get : “checking for Python wxWidgets wrappers >= 2.8… no”.
Same issue for numeric (py25-numpy and py25-numeric are already
installed and active).
I precise that I run on a Tiger ppc os.
Have you encountered the same issues on Tiger or Leopard?
gcc -v:
Using built-in specs.
Target: powerpc-apple-darwin8
Configured with: /var/tmp/gcc/gcc-5370~2/src/configure
–disable-checking -enable-werror --prefix=/usr --mandir=/share/man
–with-gxx-include-dir=/include/c++/4.0.0 --with-slibdir=/usr/lib
–build=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --host=powerpc-apple-darwin8
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)
uname -a:
Darwin kosmos.local 8.11.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10
18:26:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh