i dealing with this code, but i always getting more than 10 seconds to
load, i even upgraded the server, but is the same… i know i have some
database design problem, but i cant modify that.
i am showing all the prices from differents locations of products of a
category also in different time range, because the prices change every
15 days in each location.
def prods_x_cat
# This will load all the products of a category
@products = Product.prods_x_cat(params[:id],:include =>
@cortes = RawData.cortes
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :layout=>false}
var jqxhr1 = $.ajax($("#loading_overlay .loading_message,
$(’#datos’).html("<%= escape_javascript render
<[email protected] do |c|%>
<a href="#<%=c.corte%>" class="round_top"><%=c.corte%></a>
<[email protected] do |c|%>
<%@fecha = c.corte_real%>
<div id="<%=c.corte%>" class="block no_padding">
<table class="display datatable">
<%Company.active.order('table_field ASC').each do |c|%>
<[email protected] do |p|%>
<tr class="gradeA">
<%p.raw_datas.where("product_id='#{p.id}' and
corte_real=’#{@fecha}’").each do |prd|%>
i know it should be something with the query, still don’t know