
I have a form that prints fine for one particular criteria…
facility_id = “X”

controller code looks like this…

def fac_log
@facility = Facility.find(params[:report][:facility_id])
@placement = Placement.find(:all,
:conditions => [ "facility_id = ? and discharge_date IS NULL,
params[:report][:facility_id] ]

I can print out the form with…
<%= render :partial => ‘fac_log’ %>

now I want to print for all facilities… controller code looks like…

def fac_log_all
@facility = Facility.find(:all)
@placement = Placement.find(:all,
:conditions => [ "facility_id = ? and discharge_date IS NULL,
@facility[:id] ]

note, I am not certain that ‘@facility[:id]’ will work but I need the

‘id’ from the the @facility

anyway, the form that prints fine as above for 1 specfic facility
doesn’t work with this…

<% for facility in @facility %>
<%= render :partial => ‘fac_log’ %>
<% end %>

as it results in an error…that I have ‘nil’ object (undoubtedly

What am I missing in fac_log_all ?


Craig W. wrote:

def fac_log_all
@facility = Facility.find(:all)
@placement = Placement.find(:all,
:conditions => [ "facility_id = ? and discharge_date IS NULL,
@facility[:id] ]

In this method @facility is actually an array of Facility objects, not a
single facility object.

If Facility has_many placements, you can probably do

Facility.find(:all).each |f| do
f.placements.each |p| do
# do something with f and p

Or more likely

@all_facilities = Facility.find(:all)
render :partial => ‘fac_log’, :collection => @all_facilities

This will render the template once for each facility, creating a
variable called ‘facility’, from which you can call facility.placements
in the template.


Have you tried using @facility.id ?

Jamie van Dyke
Fear of Fish

Assuming the code you sent is directly from your app, you are looking at
another problem. The line:

:conditions => [ "facility_id = ? and discharge_date IS NULL,

needs an end quote after NULL.


On 23 Feb 2006 16:25:30 -0000, Kevin O. <

controller code looks like this…

def fac_log_all
@facility = Facility.find(:all)
@placement = Placement.find(:all,
:conditions => [ "facility_id = ? and discharge_date IS NULL,
@facility[:id] ]

This won’t work because @facility is an array of results, and
@facility[:id] won’t know which one to look at.

My suggestion would be to modify your partial so it does something like

<% for placement in facility.placements %>
<%= placement.name if placement.discharge_date %>
<% end %>

Assuming you have your relationships set up right this should work.
If you really need to find a list of all the placements with a null
discharge date, you could create a method in your model that does the
lookup for you.

def find_not_discharged
placements.reject {|p| p.discharge_date.nil? == false }
