Loop question

I’m trying to figure out an easier way to work with loops in ruby.
Basically this is what i have now

@this_question.answers.each do |a|
missing_flag = true
if (a.answer == row[cell])
reply.reply = a.id
missing_flag = false
if (missing_flag)
puts “Not Found”

Is there any way to avoid using this flag method? I want to put a
condition on the .each statement that says if no a.answers = row[cell]
then dont do the reply.reply = a.id. I cant do an else because it would
run the else after every element in the answers, and i only want it to
be done after all of them have been run. BTW i’m kind of new to ruby.
Any suggestions? thanks :slight_smile:

Mark Mr:

Looks like mean you use if/else.

@this_question.answers.each do |a|
if (a.answer == row[cell])
reply.reply = a.id
puts “Not Found”

BTW, I think ruby is probably the best programming language there is for
the beginner.
I say so with basic, assembly, fortran, C, javascript, java,
sh(ell)/bash, and perl in my past.
And nothing beats a good book to get you started, and I think
“Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Programmer’s Guide” is one of the best
introductions I’ve ever read.
You can even get a PDF version online, save a tree, and avoid a trip to
the book store.
Might as well be the bleeding edge version currently being written:

Doh! I see what he was asking now. I just don’t read too good. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mark Mr wrote:

I’m trying to figure out an easier way to work with loops in ruby.
Basically this is what i have now

@this_question.answers.each do |a|
missing_flag = true
if (a.answer == row[cell])
reply.reply = a.id
missing_flag = false
if (missing_flag)
puts “Not Found”

Is there any way to avoid using this flag method? I want to put a
condition on the .each statement that says if no a.answers = row[cell]
then dont do the reply.reply = a.id. I cant do an else because it would
run the else after every element in the answers, and i only want it to
be done after all of them have been run. BTW i’m kind of new to ruby.
Any suggestions? thanks :slight_smile:

Without writing a test case to try it out myself, I’m thinking you could
use .collect (or .map) to do what you want to do. If any condition
(a.answer==row(cell)) were true, you could return it from .collect, and
at the end, if anything were returned, do the message thing you need to

Look in the book mentioned above at the Enumerable class. Very handy
for this sort of thing.


On Jan 11, 2008 12:33 PM, Mark Mr [email protected] wrote:

  puts "Not Found"

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
There are a couple of flow control tools you could use. You could
raise an exception, for instance, or return the value from a method,
and then puts “Not Found” if you complete the loop. Just because it’s
lesser known, though, I’ll point out:

catch :found do
@this_question.answers.each do |a|
if (a.answer == row[cell])
reply.reply = a.id
throw :found
puts “Not Found”


Ok so far i got the catch :found do method to work so thanks for that.
Todd, could you give me an example of how you might use .collect for
this? I tried doing it but I’m not quite sure i understand how to use it
in this situation. Keep in mind that for @this_question.answers.each,
every element of that is an answer object, not sure if that affects
methods that are performed on arrays.

On 11.01.2008 21:33, Mark Mr wrote:

if (missing_flag)
puts “Not Found”

Are you sure you have the flag evaluation in the right position? It
seems you want to be looking through @this_question.answers to find the
matching entry, don’t you?

Is there any way to avoid using this flag method? I want to put a
condition on the .each statement that says if no a.answers = row[cell]
then dont do the reply.reply = a.id. I cant do an else because it would
run the else after every element in the answers, and i only want it to
be done after all of them have been run. BTW i’m kind of new to ruby.
Any suggestions? thanks :slight_smile:

ans = @this_question.answers.find {|a| a.answer == row[cell]}

if ans
reply.reply = ans.id
puts “nada”



Mark Mr wrote:

Todd, could you give me an example of how you might use .collect for
this? I tried doing it but I’m not quite sure i understand how to use it
in this situation. Keep in mind that for @this_question.answers.each,
every element of that is an answer object, not sure if that affects
methods that are performed on arrays.

Actually, Robert’s example with .find should suffice. .find is also in
the Enumerable class.

If you REALLY want an example with .collect, I can write one up for
illustration purposes. The type of object in your array really does not


Mark Mr wrote:

Ok well i tried again with .find and it wasnt working but then I
replaced it with .detect and it worked fine. So i guess there’s a
difference there. Thanks for the help though :slight_smile:

Glad you got it working!

On 14.01.2008 17:08, Mark Mr wrote:

If you REALLY want an example with .collect, I can write one up for
illustration purposes. The type of object in your array really does not


Ok well i tried again with .find and it wasnt working but then I
replaced it with .detect and it worked fine. So i guess there’s a
difference there. Thanks for the help though :slight_smile:

As far as I know #detect and #find are aliases so I suspect you changed
something else, too.

irb(main):001:0> a=%w{foo bar baz dada}
=> [“foo”, “bar”, “baz”, “dada”]
irb(main):002:0> a.detect {|s| s.length == 4}
=> “dada”
irb(main):003:0> a.detect {|s| s.length == 3}
=> “foo”
irb(main):004:0> a.find {|s| s.length == 3}
=> “foo”
irb(main):005:0> a.select {|s| s.length == 3}
=> [“foo”, “bar”, “baz”]

Kind regards


Todd B. wrote:

Mark Mr wrote:

Todd, could you give me an example of how you might use .collect for
this? I tried doing it but I’m not quite sure i understand how to use it
in this situation. Keep in mind that for @this_question.answers.each,
every element of that is an answer object, not sure if that affects
methods that are performed on arrays.

Actually, Robert’s example with .find should suffice. .find is also in
the Enumerable class.

If you REALLY want an example with .collect, I can write one up for
illustration purposes. The type of object in your array really does not


Ok well i tried again with .find and it wasnt working but then I
replaced it with .detect and it worked fine. So i guess there’s a
difference there. Thanks for the help though :slight_smile:

Yeah, they are aliases from what I read in the documentation but i
didn’t change anything. I think it might be the fact that i already used
.find in the line, because here’s the actual line of code i ended up

ans = Question.find(@q_id_array[cell]).answers.detect {|a| a.answer ==
row[cell + @cell_spaces]}
if ans
reply.reply = ans.id

So maybe thats why, but detect works just fine :slight_smile: