Before I go and start creating this from scratch I thought I’d see if
anyone may have seen something similar that’s available for adaption. I
more of a visual designer and have a basic (but customized) client,
project, invoice RoR/mysql app that I’ve been hacking together and now
wanting to add a task timer that could appear in a popup window or
within a project page.
Here are some specific functionality notes of what I’m looking for…
A timer clock with start/stop/pause/resume/submit/reset buttons, task
description field, and elapsed time clock noting hours and minutes that
have passed. -
When I start a project I’d like to able to click a start button and
then a stop button when I’m done to track time spent working. Then
clicking submit would enter the information into a Tasks table. -
While working I’d like to see how much time has passed so far to the
minute. -
I would need to be able to type in a description of what I was doing
into the text field and click submit to have the amount of time (rounded
to the nearest quarter hour) written into a mysql database table field
along with the date and description. -
I would need to be able to click reset to zero out the timer clock.
Pause and resume buttons would be to pause the timer and resume the
timer while keeping track of total time spent and allow for me to click
in case of interruptions. -
I’m imagining there would be a Tasks table that belongs_to a Project.
That way I can total the amount of time_spent, per Task, on Projects.
Or something similar…
Any shortcuts to get me going appreciated.