Looking for RoR Partner for New StartupLeap project


About Project

StartupLeap is the network for you to prepare your Startups for
Crowdfunding or Angel funding. Build hype and buzz around your Startup
you connect with other users and add them to your team either as
temporaries or permanent members of your team. Let the entire network
you a hand shaping your Startup and building the trust to leap the way

We are seeking for

RoR Developer

What we offer

Share of the project

Remember this project has not been funded yet and we are not looking for
those who can get only the job done. So if you want to invest your time
knowledge and skills with us and you are passionate on what you do. To
build something amazing you can contact us to found out more about us
the project.

Email: [email protected] or skype: matijosaitisa


Algirdas Matijosaitis