Looking for Part-Time/Telecommmute Ruby on Rails Job

Hi everyone,

I am in the market for a part-time and remote Ruby on Rails gig. I am
located in the bay area and I can meet clients/companies who are located
here. A little bit about me, I have been doing Ruby on Rails since
2.8.*. My experience has always been working with API but I am no
stranger when it comes down to HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Just to give an
overview, these are the techs that I am familiar with

  • Ruby on Rails 3 & 4(duh)
  • MySQL
  • Redis (by itself or with Resque)
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
    (or may, if you prefer, HAML, SCSS, CoffeeScript)
  • Deployment with Heroku / EngineYard
    (or, if you prefer, straight plain ol’ AWS and Capistrano)

Yeah i’m having 2 years of experience in RoR and using html,
jquery, haml and deploying in heroku.