I’m looking to officially hand off a few ruby projects to hackers
capable of
being more diligent about updates and responding to users than I.
Source code for all these is on GitHub, though not all are public. I
wish I
had time for all these, but the users deserve better than I’m able to
provide. Here’s a breakdown of the projects waiting for your love:
Miscellaneous projects:
railroady Ruby on Rails 3 model and controller
class diagram generator. Originally based on the “railroad” plugin and
contributions of many others. Currently working but has a few
bugs. Seems somewhat popular I guess. -
ruby-prolog A simple Prolog DSL implementation
in ruby. As academic and stupid as it sounds, I actually have seen
using it in the wild and periodically get good questions about it
outside of
the compsci-y space. As long as you understand lambda calculus it’s
easy to grok. -
Starfield Proof-of-concept 3D interactive
star-field simulation written in pure Ruby packaged as an OSX .app.
JRuby internally.) Hasn’t been updated in a long time. Written to
demonstrate that we (the Ruby community) could actually write and
distribute Ruby .app’s (for OSX) that do complex things like interactive
simulations. -
Twiverse 95% same code as above but displays
instead. Hasn’t been updated in a long time. Again… proof-of-concept
and very slow implementation.
Kindle-related projects:
kindle-drm PID and checksum finder for Kindle 2 and
models. Probably needs updates for Kindle 3. -
kindle-drm-stripper Unreleased ruby code developed for research
purposes only that has not been released into the wild. Was written for
Kindle 2 hardware. Needs updating for Kindle 3. You can probably guess
it does. -
KindleTools Currently hosted at
http://kindletools.prestonlee.com. Just a stupid rails web form frontend
the most common “kindle-drm” gem use case: finding a Kindle PID. Has
used by over 20,000 Kindle fans. DOES NOT PROVIDE AN INTERFACE FOR
“kindle-drm-stripper” GEM for obvious reasons. Would be much better as a
simple Sinatra app or something… rails is way overkill. I will hand
the code and perma-redirect to your new site, but not any of the logs or
statistical data to project the users.
Please forward to other lists/colleagues that may be interested.