Looking For New Project Maintainer(s)

I’m looking to officially hand off a few ruby projects to hackers
capable of
being more diligent about updates and responding to users than I. :frowning:
Source code for all these is on GitHub, though not all are public. I
wish I
had time for all these, but the users deserve better than I’m able to
provide. Here’s a breakdown of the projects waiting for your love:

Miscellaneous projects:

  • railroady Ruby on Rails 3 model and controller
    class diagram generator. Originally based on the “railroad” plugin and
    contributions of many others. Currently working but has a few
    bugs. Seems somewhat popular I guess.
  • ruby-prolog A simple Prolog DSL implementation
    in ruby. As academic and stupid as it sounds, I actually have seen
    using it in the wild and periodically get good questions about it
    outside of
    the compsci-y space. As long as you understand lambda calculus it’s
    easy to grok.
  • Starfield Proof-of-concept 3D interactive
    star-field simulation written in pure Ruby packaged as an OSX .app.
    JRuby internally.) Hasn’t been updated in a long time. Written to
    demonstrate that we (the Ruby community) could actually write and
    distribute Ruby .app’s (for OSX) that do complex things like interactive
  • Twiverse 95% same code as above but displays
    instead. Hasn’t been updated in a long time. Again… proof-of-concept
    and very slow implementation.

Kindle-related projects:

  • kindle-drm PID and checksum finder for Kindle 2 and
    models. Probably needs updates for Kindle 3.
  • kindle-drm-stripper Unreleased ruby code developed for research
    purposes only that has not been released into the wild. Was written for
    Kindle 2 hardware. Needs updating for Kindle 3. You can probably guess
    it does.
  • KindleTools Currently hosted at
    http://kindletools.prestonlee.com. Just a stupid rails web form frontend
    the most common “kindle-drm” gem use case: finding a Kindle PID. Has
    used by over 20,000 Kindle fans. DOES NOT PROVIDE AN INTERFACE FOR
    “kindle-drm-stripper” GEM for obvious reasons. Would be much better as a
    simple Sinatra app or something… rails is way overkill. I will hand
    the code and perma-redirect to your new site, but not any of the logs or
    statistical data to project the users.

Please forward to other lists/colleagues that may be interested.
