Looking for free content to play with in RoR

I’m still learning RoR and wish I had some real bulk content to
manipulate and possibly create interesting applications with as proof of

Is there anywhere to download a database, perhaps even with a schema, of
things like:

  • price of a load of bread each year for the last 100 years
  • famous quotes, with national orginal, date, who said it
  • list of award winners throughout history
  • car makes and models
  • Top 40 music artists and songs
  • anything else…

Maybe there’s an open public license for such content that’s available
some where?


I vaguely remember the following government sites having some data (not
particularly exciting data, but data non-the-less)

I’m sure they are in raw format, not a db as you requested though.



Well, when I needed something recently I grabbed the Rails Subversion
logs. :slight_smile: Other interesting sorts of content could include data from
RSS feeds, articles from wikipedia, spending budgets for the US
military and so much more. There’s tons of content out there, but
you’re probably going to have parse it.

Anthony E.

On 12/27/06, DAN [email protected] wrote:

Cell: 808 782-5046
Current Location: Melbourne, FL

Not exactly what you wanted, but you might find it useful: Perl’s

Building an e-commerce site with Rails?