Looking for books and online courses on gnuradio?

This is Nazmul, a PhD student of Wireless Info. & Networking Lab of ECE,
Rutgers University. I need to use GNUradio in UHD platform to implement
wireless communication algorithms. I have two very general questions.

  1. Do you know of any book that focuses mostly on software defined radio
    with GNUradio? I found one (
    http://www.amazon.com/Software-Defined-Radio-GNU-USRP/dp/0071498834) but
    is out of print! :S

  2. Do you know of any online course that focuses on GNU radio?

Basically, I am a beginner in software defined radio research. I am
from mostly theoretical wireless communication background and I have
limited programming language experiences (C/C++, Matlab). I will really
appreciate if you can even suggest some general books/online courses on
software defined radio that might help me. I am probably asking some
elementary questions but any of your feedback will be really helpful.



Muhammad Nazmul I.

Graduate Student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless Information & Networking Laboratory
Rutgers, USA.

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Nazmul I.
[email protected] wrote:

Basically, I am a beginner in software defined radio research. I am coming
from mostly theoretical wireless communication background and I have some
limited programming language experiences (C/C++, Matlab). I will really
appreciate if you can even suggest some general books/online courses on
software defined radio that might help me. I am probably asking some
elementary questions but any of your feedback will be really helpful.




Search back in the archives on this topic as it has come up a lot. The
short answer is that there is no book dedicated to this topic, and the
one you pointed out was never published (and I don’t know why Amazon
keeps it on its website). There are a couple, but instead of rehashing
this conversation, please look for the past discussions of this topic.



Thanks a lot for your email. I appreciate your feedback. I guess that
and Dr. Wyglinski’s book will be helpful for me. I will try to get these
books through my library and see how it goes from there.



On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Tom R.
[email protected]wrote:

but it

elementary questions but any of your feedback will be really helpful.
keeps it on its website). There are a couple, but instead of rehashing
this conversation, please look for the past discussions of this topic.


Muhammad Nazmul I.

Graduate Student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless Information & Networking Laboratory
Rutgers, USA.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Nazmul I.
[email protected]wrote:

We are switching everything in GNU Radio over to using UHD, so all of
old examples and any new examples will use UHD in GNU Radio through the
standard Python interface.

You can also look at the code for gr-uhd and how we use it in GNU Radio.


What is UHd ?

Sent from my iPhone
Andrew R.

On 21/09/2011 2:38 PM, Andrew R. wrote:

What is UHd ?

Sent from my iPhone
Andrew R.

Stands for “Universal Hardware Driver”. It’s the new (15 months old
now, I think) way to interface to ALL of the Ettus hardware.

Prior to UHD, there were two distinct APIs – one for USRP1, the other
for USRP2, and the “classic” USRP2 API used raw-ethernet
frames for carrying data/control.

In UHD, all the platforms are supported (USRP1, USRP2, N2XX, and E1XX),
and for ethernet-connected platforms, the protocol is
based on VITA-49-over-UDP.

But what it means is that older example applications, which would have
used one or the other of the USRP1 or USRP2 “classic” API,
need to be lightly worked-over to be compatible with the UHD API.
The N2XX platforms are only UHD capable, and many of
the newer daughtercards are only accessible using the UHD API. The
UHD API also enables some of the fancier synchronization
paradigms that weren’t available in the “classic” interface, and also
allows things like dual-DDC on the USRP2 and N2XXX platforms.

Hello Tom,

I think that both your and Wyglinski’s book uses Python code based
WINLAB has recently switched to UHD recently. UHD uses C++ based codes
the application. Is there any book that contains GNUradio examples for
based C++ codes?



On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Tom R.
[email protected]wrote:

but it

elementary questions but any of your feedback will be really helpful.
keeps it on its website). There are a couple, but instead of rehashing
this conversation, please look for the past discussions of this topic.


Muhammad Nazmul I.

Graduate Student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless Information & Networking Laboratory
Rutgers, USA.

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I appreciate it.


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Tom R. [email protected]


Rutgers, USA.

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Muhammad Nazmul I.

Graduate Student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wireless Information & Networking Laboratory
Rutgers, USA.