I am creating a startup company and need the help of a talented Ruby
programmer to develope the code for over a dozen applications/
features. This will probably take anywhere between 2-3 months to
complete. I have defined the features and have developed wireframes
for each of the 20 pages to the site. I am looking for someone with
very good communication skills and even better programming skills.
Let me know if you are interested.
You should probably clarify whether you’re looking for local, national
or international and whether you’re offering market cash comp on an
hourly basis (an hourly range would help to better match the right
applicants), a fixed bid (again, give a ballpark budget) or whether
you’re looking for someone who will really buy into the business and
invest $20-50k of programming effort into the project for a split of the
company. It’ll just save everyone a lot of time.
Best Wishes,
Hey, guys, I am not looking for work, I am not very familiar with ethics
replying to mailing list threads either, I am just amazed how you repeat
proper Job Offer guidelines time and time again (“to save everyone a lot
time”, as Peter expressed it). That’s awesome!
2011/6/8 Peter B. [email protected]