Do any of you know of a downloadable Rails app that demonstrates all
the bundled AJAX-iness in an impressive form?
I’m looking for two things:
something I can show off to wow people with Rails’ built-in AJAX
power, then show them the code that does the work and wow them again
with the simplicity. In short, something that will impress potential
customers, as well as developers
something I can use as a tutorial, both for myself and to bring
others up to speed. I can find plenty of AJAX and/or Rails info
around, but nothing that ties together all the built-in Rails AJAX
info in one place with relatively newbie-friendly documentation and
in-use examples that are visually impressive
Conceptually, I want to have this app sitting on my laptop, so when
the opportunity comes up to be a Rails fanboy, I can fire it up and
show it off. Also, if I need either a brain jogger or a reference for
how some AJAX feature works, I can get it out of the same app in a
reasonable amount of detail.
I don’t particularly want a useful app, just one that shows off all
the Rails/AJAX power in such a way that people will think “Hmm, it’d
be really useful to have that capability in MY app…”.
If such an app doesn’t already exist, I can start to put something
together, but I’m short of available time and my skills are in backend
stuff rather than CSS/UI goodness. I’d strongly prefer to contribute
to a project that already exists, rather than start one from scratch.
These aren’t exactly downloadable, but source code is provided (you’ll
have to put in a decent amount of work to get some of them running
locally though):
something I can use as a tutorial, both for myself and to bring
I don’t particularly want a useful app, just one that shows off all
the Rails/AJAX power in such a way that people will think “Hmm, it’d
be really useful to have that capability in MY app…”.
If such an app doesn’t already exist, I can start to put something
together, but I’m short of available time and my skills are in backend
stuff rather than CSS/UI goodness. I’d strongly prefer to contribute
to a project that already exists, rather than start one from scratch.
Take a look at the revised “depot” application from AWDR 2nd edition
(PDF only right now). Dave T. rewrote a bunch of it to use AJAX
in addition to some AJAX special effects (highlighting and whatnot).
It doesn’t exercise every cool AJAX element but it’s probably a
decent enough foundation for you to add a few more effects.
On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 10:46:47AM +1000, David M. wrote:
Do any of you know of a downloadable Rails app that demonstrates all
the bundled AJAX-iness in an impressive form?
I’m looking for two things:
something I can show off to wow people with Rails’ built-in AJAX
power, then show them the code that does the work and wow them again
with the simplicity. In short, something that will impress potential
customers, as well as developers
Well, the ajax_scaffold works well …
Gets the direct-from-database CRUD in one hit (model validations an
extra, of course) and all the CRUD is ajax’d …