I realize that SOAP is dead. I didn’t realize this until this week.
But, I think it is certainly true.
I have spent 2 days Googling for a working Ruby SOAP example, and it
seems that all of the SOAP services are offline. Even my company
seems to have no employees tending to the SOAP services I am supposed
to be utilizing. (At least said employees aren’t answering emails.)
Before I declare that my company’s internal SOAP service is “broken”.
I’d like to have success at using Ruby with SOAP somewhere. Does that
make sense? I want to have one success on any example WSDL so that I
can apply the principals to our private WSDL. Once I have done that,
I will feel comfortable saying, “I know how to consume SOAP, and our
SOAP is broken.” Until then, all I know is “I have never had success
consuming any SOAP anywhere.”
can apply the principals to our private WSDL. Once I have done that,
I will feel comfortable saying, “I know how to consume SOAP, and our
SOAP is broken.” Until then, all I know is “I have never had success
consuming any SOAP anywhere.”
Please advise.
Are you just looking for a SOAP server to test against? I haven’t
tried any of these, but some are at least still returning WSDLs: http://soapagent.com/pages/Services/
Or do you need an example of how to code a SOAP client in Ruby? There
are some basic examples in the Ruby source: ruby-1.8.6/test/soap &
I realize that SOAP is dead. I didn’t realize this until this week.
But, I think it is certainly true.
I have spent 2 days Googling for a working Ruby SOAP example, and it
seems that all of the SOAP services are offline. …
I don’t think SOAP is dead. I have had two requests to create a client
to access 2 different web-services just this week. Both are .NET
systems. What is dead is the SOAP documentation for Ruby. Well,
actually there never was any documentation (at least, that I could find
in a 2-3 day period) beyond very simple examples. These simple functions
don’t exist in the real world. Looking at the .NET stuff makes me
jealous of all the information out there. Wouldn’t it be great to have a
wrapper for the .NET SOAP classes??
If I ever get this stuff to work I’ll post what I discover.
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