Lone Star Ruby Conference 2010 - Call for Speakers

Lone Star Ruby Conference 2010
(Thu-Sat) August 26-28, 2010
Norris Conference Center
Austin, TX


The fourth annual Lone Star Ruby Conference is getting
under way and the call for speakers is now open.

LSRC is a multi-track, two-day conference with an
optional training day, and is held in
the capitol city of the Lone Star State, Austin.

LSRC is known for its first class training at bargain
basement prices, its heavy hitting keynote speakers
and its ‘cruise ship’ atmosphere where you munch on the
best food in Texas while you feast on a bounty of Ruby

We invite you to become a part of history and submit your
speaking or training proposal at:


We look forward to seeing you at the conference in August.
Please feel free to email us with your suggestions on
how we can make this your perfect conference.


We invite you to submit a proposal for a 40-minute or a
7-minute talk. The only requirement is that the topic be
Ruby related.

Here are a few topics to give you some ideas:

  • SQL and Non-SQL databases
  • Testing tools and techniques
  • Web Frameworks
  • Embedded Ruby
  • Ruby Success Stories
  • Design and coding techniques
  • Developer productivity tips and tools
  • Patterns and best practices for developing Ruby code
  • MRI, Rubinius, JRuby, YARV
  • Ruby in the Enterprise
  • Ruby in Small Business
  • Ruby internals, meta programming
  • Data filtering, reporting, parsing

You name it. If it is Ruby related, we want to hear from you.

Please submit your proposal at:


Hands-on training is back this year. Courses can be
either 3hr (half-day) or 6hr (full-day). It is
recommended that full-day courses be team taught.

When submitting a course curriculum outline, remember
that a training course is NOT an extended talk.
Trainers should provide labs and hands on learning
experiences for the participants. Your course
submission should provide practical skills that
participants can take away and begin using immediately
to improve their coding.

Please submit your proposal at:


Proposals are due May 30, 2010.

Registration for LSRC 2010 will open in early June.

See you in Austin in August!

Jim F.
Lone Star Ruby Foundation, President

For sponsorship, media or promotional partner opportunities,
contact Jim F. at jim at lonestarrubyconf _dot_com.

P.S. Proposals are due by midnight May 30, 2010.

P.P.S. You can follow conference announcements on Twitter at