Hi all,
It’s time once again to dust off your ruby trousers and head on down to
trendy Clerkenwell to meet up with the esteemed members of the London
User Group at their February meeting.
Date: 11th February, 2008
Meeting time: 6:30pm
Meeting location: 1 Sekforde Street[1]
Closest tube: Farringdon
We’re doing lightning talks in the 20 slides for 20 seconds style.
confirmed so far are:
- James A. - “Rails is not the only fruit”
- Richard L. - RSpec stories
- Rob McKinnon - “A Ruby Journey”
- Daniel T. - Adobe Flex: what it is, why he uses it with ruby
- Dafydd Rees - “When shouldn’t you use a DSL? and what can you do
instead?” - David S. - Rails deployment platforms
- Roland S. - Pattern matching in ruby
- Laurie Young - Design patterns in ruby
There may be more on the night, if you are interested in speaking get in
touch with me directly or via the LRUG mailing list[2]. After the talks
go to the pub round the corner.
Pub time: about 8:00pm ish
Pub location: The Crown Tavern[3]
For those that hate brevity there are more words, if not actual details,
about the meeting on the LRUG website[4].
- NOTE *
If you think you might turn up please register with our hosts, Skills
Matter, via their website[5]. We’ve had to close the doors on people
haven’t signed up because of reaching room capacity, Skills Matter can
a larger room, but only if they know enough people are coming to warrant
and have enough notice.
See you there,
[2] Chat Info Page
[3] http://fancyapint.com/pubs/pub199.html
[4] February 2008 Meeting | London Ruby User Group
[5] http://skillsmatter.com/lrug