Hello all,
I hope someone can help me with this issue, I have the SVN file_column
and using LoginEngine/UserEngine with Rails 1.1.2. My issue is that I’m
overloading the view for LoginEngine to support a file image upload as
part of the user record and having a heck of a time doing so.
Near the bottom of my new _edit.rhtml file I put in:
which now displays the upload field as it should when I go to sign up a
user. I placed in the actual LoginEngine user.rb model the
“file_column :image_url” line just below " include
LoginEngine::AuthenticatedUser" and I can see when I submit my form that
some directory structure is created.
The last part I did was make a new signup.rhtml file with this as the
start of my form:
<%= start_form_tag({:action => 'signup'}, :multipart => true) %>
This was to make sure the form was a multipart form for the upload.
The issue is that if I select a file for upload the form doesn’t submit,
and no file was created. The form does submit if I have no file set to
Here is what the logs say when the transaction fails:
Processing UserController#signup (for at 2006-04-27 09:57:29)
Session ID: 1263df31f64b6ed1de7d0054d571ba1c
Parameters: {“user”=>{“image_url”=>#<File:/tmp/CGI2700.4>,
“password_confirmation”=>“test1”, “lastname”=>“the”, “firstname”=>“the”,
“login”=>“the”, “password”=>“test1”, “email”=>“[email protected]”},
“commit”=>“Signup”, “action”=>“signup”, “controller”=>“user”}
User Columns (0.014115) SHOW FIELDS FROM users
Unable to send confirmation E-Mail:
Transaction Error: cannot abort; there is no current transaction.
Any ideas on what else I need to do to get this all to play nice with
each other?
Ps: The reason I added the “file_column :image_url” right into the
LoginEngine user model instead of overloading it is that when I tried to
overload it the rest of my app started to have issues everywhere I had
“authenticated?” so I felt it just easier not to fight it and add the
info right into LoginEngine itself, which on the surface appears to have
- – Ray Slakinski