Does anyone know how to go about giving an option to login to a
website with twitter, yahoo, google, facebook , … whatever
Try with Devise and its strategies.
On Feb 15, 11:16 pm, Me [email protected] wrote:
Does anyone know how to go about giving an option to login to a
website with twitter, yahoo, google, facebook , … whatever
You can try the RPX service
There is a Rails plugin
and an Authlogic extension
if everyone had an open-id that would work.
On Feb 15, 8:16 pm, Me [email protected] wrote:
Does anyone know how to go about giving an option to login to a
website with twitter, yahoo, google, facebook , … whatever
It sounds like you want to use OpenID:
Kurt W.
I am looking for a new rails job:
So how exactly does that work. Joe Shmo comes to my site and has a
account… what do I ask them for - their gmail address?
Chris H. wrote:
if everyone had an open-id that would work.
It’s getting to the point that nearly everyone already has an OpenID.
You have one if:
- You have a Google account
- You have a Yahoo account
- You have an AOL/AIM account
- You have a Microsoft account
- And may other OpenID providers
Nearly everyone has at least one of these. Add Twitter authentication
(with OAuth), and Facebook (using their API) then you have nearly
everyone covered. For those few that don’t have any of these then fall
back to a username/password authentication.
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 3:26 PM, ben wiseley [email protected] wrote:
So how exactly does that work. Joe Shmo comes to my site and has a Google
account… what do I ask them for - their gmail address?
Greg D. |
Chris H. wrote:
Does anyone know how to go about giving an option to login to a
website with twitter, yahoo, google, facebook , … whatever
openid, facebooker
Ben Wiseley wrote:
So how exactly does that work. Joe Shmo comes to my site and has a
account… what do I ask them for - their gmail address?
Goggle provides the above URL for OpenID. During the conversation with
Google’s OpenID provider they send you back the unique identity URL for
the specific account.
Google also provides OpenID support using a personalized URL via Google
So if a user has a Google profile they may enter that as their OpenID
For example my Google profile URL is: