logging version 0.9.0
by Tim P.
(the “Monkeyful Chimptacular” release)
Logging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based
on the
design of Java’s log4j library. It features a hierarchical logging
custom level names, multiple output destinations per log event, custom
formatting, and more.
2 minor enhancement
- Exceptions from appenders are captured and logged
- Internal logger for the Logging framework (disabled by default)
- Added a DSL configuration format (more readable than YAML)
1 bug fix
- Modules could not have their own logger instance
Tim P. wrote:
logging version 0.9.0
require ‘logging’
logger = Logging::Logger[‘example_logger’]
logger.level = :info
logger.debug “this debug message will not be output by the logger”
logger.info “just some friendly advice”
Base on the sample above, how do I configure different log level for 2
output. Eg I want the stdout to be :info level bug the logfile to be
:debug level. Is this possible?
Shin guey Wong [2008-07-17 08:58]:
logger.info “just some friendly advice”
Base on the sample above, how do I configure different log level for 2
output. Eg I want the stdout to be :info level bug the logfile to be
:debug level. Is this possible?
you can set the log level on the appender individually:
logger = Logging::Logger[‘example_logger’]
Logging::Appenders::Stdout.new(nil, :level => :info),
logger.level = :debug
but note that you can only set higher thresholds on the appenders,
events below the log level of the superordinate logger instance
won’t be passed through to the appenders, AFAIK. tim, please correct
me if i’m wrong
On Jul 17, 2008, at 3:26 AM, Jens W. wrote:
logger.level = :info
logger = Logging::Logger[‘example_logger’]
Logging::Appenders::Stdout.new(nil, :level => :info),
logger.level = :debug
but note that you can only set higher thresholds on the appenders,
events below the log level of the superordinate logger instance
won’t be passed through to the appenders, AFAIK. tim, please correct
me if i’m wrong
That is correct. If your logger level is set to ‘error’ then only
error and fatal log events will be propagated to the appenders.
But you can configure appenders individually to drop log events below
a certain threshold. For the example above …
Logging::Appender[‘stdout’].level = :info
Logging::Appender[‘exmaple.log’].level = :debug
And you would need to set the logger level to :debug to see any
difference between the output of the two appenders.
logger.level = :debug
Just FYI – you can access an Appender or Logger by name if they have
already been created:
Logging::Logger[‘example_logger’] #=> always returns the same
logger instance
Logging::Appender[‘stdout’] #=> always returns the stdout
appender if it has been created