I would like to know is there any option to backup the log file hourly ?
In the Logger class i found only the following options
logger = Logger.new(‘foo.log’, ‘daily’)
logger = Logger.new(‘foo.log’, ‘weekly’)
logger = Logger.new(‘foo.log’, ‘monthly’)
You’ll need to use one of the rolling log files from the two ruby
logging gems – Logging or Log4r. Both support defining your own
rolling log file interval, and both are based on the same design as
Java’s Log4j.
Log4r is no longer being maintained, but it has better documentation.
However, you can always e-mail the author of the Logging gem and he’ll
answer questions pretty quickly.
You’ll need to use one of the rolling log files from the two ruby
logging gems – Logging or Log4r. Both support defining your own
rolling log file interval, and both are based on the same design as
Java’s Log4j.
Log4r is no longer being maintained, but it has better documentation.
However, you can always e-mail the author of the Logging gem and he’ll
answer questions pretty quickly.
sudo gem install log4r
sudo gem install logging
Thank You so much for your help Tim
I installed logging gem and was able to do rolling hourly
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