Log shifting error

Once again, here in the UK, we have had our switch back from summer
time saving and once again various applications failed for things like

/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/logger.rb:501:in `write’: Shifting failed.
‘/…/log/poll_sportsdb_for_updates.log.20101031’ already exists.

These applications run 24/7 and obviously wrote to the log files
before the clocks went back. Once they did though the applications

When this happened last year we changed mosts of the logs over from
daily to weekly which got round the problem. But some logs do need to
be rotated daily. Is there any way to fix this so that I don’t have to
go round checking out the world and it’s dog next year?

On 1 November 2010 11:43, Peter H. [email protected]

/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/logger.rb:501:in `write’: Shifting failed.
‘/…/log/poll_sportsdb_for_updates.log.20101031’ already exists.

When this happened last year we changed mosts of the logs over from
daily to weekly which got round the problem. But some logs do need to
be rotated daily. Is there any way to fix this so that I don’t have to
go round checking out the world and it’s dog next year?

can you add the timezone information to the logfilename?


I’m pretty sure that our server are running local time and not UTC
(which would be a sure fix - I think). Not really sure that I would
feel confident changing to UTC for nearly a dozen servers located on
two continents.

Hi Peter,

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:43 AM, Peter H.
[email protected] wrote:

Once again, here in the UK, we have had our switch back from summer
time saving and once again various applications failed for things like

/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/logger.rb:501:in `write’: Shifting failed.
‘/…/log/poll_sportsdb_for_updates.log.20101031’ already exists.

Are your servers running local clocks or UTC? We’re shifting next
week and I hadn’t anticipated a problem but now that you bring it up I
wonder if I’ve missed something. Our servers are running UTC.


On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Peter H.
[email protected] wrote:

I’m pretty sure that our server are running local time and not UTC
(which would be a sure fix - I think).

Ok. Thanks.

Not really sure that I would feel confident changing to UTC for nearly a dozen
servers located on two continents.

You have a knack for understatement :wink: At a minimum it would wreak
havoc with your reporting apps which invariably use the system
date/time to grab the ‘right’ records.

Best regards,