Location of images

hello all,

I’m new to RoR. I am reading Agile Development etc. and I have
completed a tutorial that explains the differences between rails 2.0
and rails 2.1.

Still some questions are unanswered by the book. I hope you can help
me with the most intriguing one:
I have created a scaffold for model ‘movie’. After some iterations I
have manually added a admin controller with views.
It appears that the image-links from the movie-view result in a get
from the image in the directory public/images, whereas the image links
from the admin views get the images another place.

Can you explain WHY this happens and what I can do to p be able to

  • use public/images in both cases
  • use the same subdirectory of a view directory in both cases?

thanks very much!

Please can u paste the code in question and i will tell u, thanks.

Rails by default will look into the public/images for any image name u

If u have yr image in a separate folder like public/my_images folder
then in yr view file u need to mention the image path as

Can you explain WHY this happens and what I can do to p be able to

  • use public/images in both cases
  • use the same subdirectory of a view directory in both cases?

thanks very much!

I believe the issue is with the way you’re rendering the image tag.
This line:

Is a relative path. You should be able to use an absolute path “/
images/…” which will be absolute with respect to your Rails

It’s probably also worth mentioning that, if you’re storing images in
the standard /public/images folder, you can use a rails helper:

<%= image_tag move.one_sheet_url, :alt=>"#{movie.name} pic" %>

On 26 feb, 15:38, AndyV [email protected] wrote:

I believe the issue is with the way you’re rendering the image tag.
This line:

Is a relative path. You should be able to use an absolute path “/
images/…” which will be absolute with respect to your Rails

Yes, that is true. It IS relative. I am going to implement a helper
function as you suggested. That is much better.
But I still would like to know why movie.one_sheet_url() gives me
another result when called from two different locations
(in this case views/movies/index.html.erb and views/ and

Rails has so much magic going on that a newbie like me gets a bit

It’s probably also worth mentioning that, if you’re storing images in
the standard /public/images folder, you can use a rails helper:

<%= image_tag move.one_sheet_url, :alt=>"#{movie.name} pic" %>

Thanks, I wil certainly try this. Good opportunity to have a look at
helper functions as well!


in fact, I don’t use the login_controller which uses the admin layout.
What’s in a name.

There is a difference between a list of the movies from the login view
and the movies view.
The admin layout includes the following lines:

    <% if session[ :user_id ] %>
        <% gebruiker = User.find_by_id( session[ :user_id]).naam -


<%= gebruiker -%>

<%= link_to( ‘overzicht films’, :action => ‘list_movies’ )

<% else %>

no user

<% end %>

In the login controller I have

def list_movies
@all_movies = Movie.find( :all)
@all_movies = [] if !@all_movies

and in the views/login list_movies.html.erb contains

Overzicht van films

<% if flash[ :notice ] %>

<%= flash[ :notice ] -%>

<% end %>

<% i = 0
for movie in @all_movies %>
<%= i += 1
(i % 2 == 0 ? ‘

’ : ‘’) -%>

<td><img src="images/<%= movie.one_sheet_url %>"/></td>
<td class='titel'>
        <b><%= movie.title %></b><br>
        <%=h movie.description %>
        <tr><td class='actie'><%= link_to( 'toon', {
                    :controller => 'movies',
                    :action     => 'show',
                    :id         => movie}) -%></td></



beschrijving acties
<%= link_to
‘bewerk’, edit_movie_path(movie) %>
<%= link_to 'verwijder', movie, :confirm => 'Zeker weten?', :method => :delete %>
<% end %> -----------------------------------

Following the link ‘list users’ from the admin layout, I get a table
in the browser, without the images displayed. Webrick says

http://localhost:3000/login/list_movies → /login/images/shrekI.png - - [26/Feb/2008:13:14:08 CET] “GET /login/images/
shrekII.png HTTP/1.1” 404 571
http://localhost:3000/login/list_movies → /login/images/shrekII.png - - [26/Feb/2008:13:14:09 CET] “GET /login/images/
shrekIII.png HTTP/1.1” 404 571
http://localhost:3000/login/list_movies → /login/images/shrekIII.png - - [26/Feb/2008:13:14:09 CET] “GET /login/images/BtoF.png
HTTP/1.1” 404 571

The images are in public/images, so that explains why they are not
Now, if I go to localhost:3000/movies, I get a listing of the movies
movies/index.html.erb contains

Listing movies

<% if flash[ :notice ] %>

<%= flash[ :notice ] -%>

<% end %>

<% i = 0
for movie in @movies %>
<%= i += 1
(i % 2 == 0 ? ‘

’ : ‘’) -%>

<td><img src="images/<%= movie.one_sheet_url %>"/></td>
<td class='titel'>
        <b><%= movie.title %></b><br>
        <%=h movie.description %>
        <tr><td class='actie'><%= link_to 'bewerk',

edit_movie_path(movie) %>

<%= button_to( “doe in winkelmand”, { :action
=> :add_to_cart,
:id => movie })
beschrijving acties
<%= link_to ‘verwijder’,
movie, :confirm => ‘Zeker weten?’,
:method => :delete %>

<% end %>

<%= button_to( "leeg winkelmand", { :action => :empty_cart } ) -%> <%= link_to 'Nieuwe film', new_movie_path() %> --------------------------------

As you can see, it is almost the same as list_movies.html.erb.
But now, the images ARE displayed and webrick says - - [26/Feb/2008:13:14:08 CET] “GET /login/images/shrekI.png
HTTP/1.1” 404 571
http://localhost:3000/login/list_movies → /login/images/shrekI.png - - [26/Feb/2008:13:14:08 CET] “GET /login/images/
shrekII.png HTTP/1.1” 404 571
http://localhost:3000/login/list_movies → /login/images/shrekII.png - - [26/Feb/2008:13:14:09 CET] “GET /login/images/
shrekIII.png HTTP/1.1” 404 571
http://localhost:3000/login/list_movies → /login/images/shrekIII.png

I am puzzled. If you can shine a light on this I’d be very grateful.
Let me now if I have to provide extra information…


On 2/26/08, ruud [email protected] wrote:

images/…" which will be absolute with respect to your Rails

Yes, that is true. It IS relative. I am going to implement a helper
function as you suggested. That is much better.
But I still would like to know why movie.one_sheet_url() gives me
another result when called from two different locations
(in this case views/movies/index.html.erb and views/ and

Because it’s RELATIVE so if in one case it’s relative to views/movies,
and in the other to views/login

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

+1… sorry I should have been more specific.