Location block, is this the intended behaviour?

location /

location /blah

will result in 404 when accessing www.domain.com/blah123.html even
though there’s /some/main/root/blah123.html (instead it tries

OTOH, using

location /blah/ { … }

will result in 404 when accessing domain.com/blah even though there’s
an index in the location. (probably because it doesn’t match)

of course this works as I wanted it to.

location ~ /blah($|/) { … }

*using try_files $uri $uri/ @fallback doesn’t help.

is this intended?

On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 02:57:00PM +0700, Edho P Arief wrote:

will result in 404 when accessing www.domain.com/blah123.html even
though there’s /some/main/root/blah123.html (instead it tries


*using try_files $uri $uri/ @fallback doesn’t help.

is this intended?

It’s better to use two locations:

location = /blah {


location /blah/ {


instead of this regex.