Locals in render partials

In render partials can we pass arrays like this

c << a << b

render :partial=>’’,:locals=>{:c=>c}

Nike M. wrote:

In render partials can we pass arrays like this

c << a << b

render :partial=>’’,:locals=>{:c=>c}

Yes. Write a functional test on the behavior of the page with the
partial, and
you should be able to detect the effects of :c inside there.

BTW, I always name variables passed in :locals like :@c, so they appear
as @c
inside. This makes them easier to test for nil, to mean “unassigned”.

(Do the latest versions of Rails and Ruby support that?)

I tried your suggestion of passing locals as :@var on ruby 1.8.6 and
rails 2.2.2 and it doesn’t seem to work

Felix wrote:

I tried your suggestion of passing locals as :@var on ruby 1.8.6 and
rails 2.2.2 and it doesn’t seem to work


Not to hijack the thread (I’m unsure if Nike M.'s question feels
yet), but we are having a major problem with…

  • too many tests
  • too many render :partial and render :inline calls
  • too many @ variables magically passed without :locals

Apparently we reach a threshold where the magic stops working, and our
important @ variables disappear. This leads to a cascade of incorrect
failures on missing nils. (The infamous “whiny nil” takes over.)

So if I fix that using :locals =>{ :@q => @q } in every render call,
then I
impair our project for upgrading to 2.2.2…

Elaborate sigh…

The problem with :locals => { :q => @q } is you can’t say ‘if q’ inside
partial to detect if the local is set. You can say ‘if @q’, because you
rely on
Ruby to provide a nil for decorated variables that don’t exist yet…

I seem to recall you can’t do ‘if defined? q’, either. Maybe.

This means the final recourse is too ugly for Rails: :locals =>{ :things
=>{ :q
=> @q } }. Now the partial can use ‘if things[:q]’…
