Local variables, eval, and parsing

I read through posts like this



but was still not satisfied with the solutions given. For example

val = nil
eval “val = 12”
p val

The mention of ‘val’ twice is a maintenance problem, as you need to
manually update the local variables in code whenever the variables
inside the string change.

val = nil # forgot to update – manual labor is hard work
eval “first_val = 12 ; second_val = 44” # string has changed
p first_val # oops!

One solution is to change those locals into attributes of the

def locals_to_accessors(str)
previous_locals = local_variables
eval str

(local_variables - previous_locals).each { |name|
value = eval name
eval %Q{
class << self
attr_accessor :#{name}
self.send(“#{name}=”, value)

locals_to_accessors %q{
val = 12
foo = “bar”

no errors!

p val
p foo

This seems like a gymnastic workaround. All I want to do insert some
local variables from a config file. Is there really no way to do that?

val = 44
p val # => 44
p val() # => 12

So this “solution” is not too great. I made the writer private but
that doesn’t help since the local declaration apparently takes

As explained in the links I gave, the problem is due to the
determination of local variables at compile time. Really all that is
needed is a way to insert code before parsing, like perl’s BEGIN block.

On Thursday 08 November 2007 11:25 am, [email protected] wrote:

As explained in the links I gave, the problem is due to the
determination of local variables at compile time. Really all that is
needed is a way to insert code before parsing, like perl’s BEGIN block.

Ruby has a BEGIN {} (and END) block as well–have you tried that?
pg. 318)

Randy K.

On Nov 8, 1:10 pm, Randy K. [email protected] wrote:

On Thursday 08 November 2007 11:25 am, [email protected] wrote:

As explained in the links I gave, the problem is due to the
determination of local variables at compile time. Really all that is
needed is a way to insert code before parsing, like perl’s BEGIN block.

Ruby has a BEGIN {} (and END) block as well–have you tried that? (pickaxe2
pg. 318)

eval “foo = 99”
puts foo

=> test.rb:6: undefined local variable or method `foo’ for main:Object

I realized after posting this that BEGIN wasn’t the right analogy as
it still executes too late, after parsing is already done. Literal
code needs to be inserted into the buffer before parsing, something
like a C-preprocessor #include.

The original motivation was to have a config file for my Rakefile. An
ugly workaround is to move the content into Rakefile.main and make a
one-liner Rakefile:

eval(File.open(“Rakefile.config”) { |f|
} + “\n” +
File.open(“Rakefile.main”) { |f|

On Nov 8, 1:10 pm, Randy K. [email protected] wrote:

On Thursday 08 November 2007 11:25 am, [email protected] wrote:

As explained in the links I gave, the problem is due to the
determination of local variables at compile time. Really all that is
needed is a way to insert code before parsing, like perl’s BEGIN block.

Ruby has a BEGIN {} (and END) block as well–have you tried that? (pickaxe2
pg. 318)

eval “foo = 99”
puts foo

=> test.rb:6: undefined local variable or method `foo’ for main:Object

I realized after posting this that BEGIN wasn’t the right analogy as
it still executes too late, after parsing is already done. Literal
code needs to be inserted into the buffer before parsing, something
like a C-preprocessor #include.

The original motivation was to have a config file for my Rakefile. An
ugly workaround is to move the content into Rakefile.main and make a
one-liner Rakefile:

eval(File.open(“Rakefile.config”) { |f|
} + “\n” +
File.open(“Rakefile.main”) { |f|

On Nov 8, 4:39 pm, Randy K. [email protected] wrote:

I don’t know why you need the eval.

Remember the motivation was to have a separate config file for these
variables. Unless ruby has something akin to the C-preprocessor
#include then we are stuck with reading a file, which means we are
stuck with a string, which means we are stuck with eval, which means
we are stuck with ugly hacks in order to obtain local variables.

On Thursday 08 November 2007 01:45 pm, [email protected] wrote:

On Nov 8, 1:10 pm, Randy K. [email protected] wrote:

On Thursday 08 November 2007 11:25 am, [email protected] wrote:

As explained in the links I gave, the problem is due to the
determination of local variables at compile time. Really all that is
needed is a way to insert code before parsing, like perl’s BEGIN block.

Ruby has a BEGIN {} (and END) block as well–have you tried that?
pg. 318)

eval “foo = 99”
puts foo

=> test.rb:6: undefined local variable or method `foo’ for main:Object

Hmm, I probably can’t help you–pointing out the BEGIN block might have
the limits of my knowledge, but…

Are you sure the undefined local variable is a parsing problem? Look at

The following gives me the (same) undefined local variable error that
you get:

./test.rb:3: undefined local variable or method `foo’ for main:Object

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
BEGIN { foo = 99 }
puts foo

On the other hand, making it an instance variable (a little more towards
global range of things) makes it work just fine.

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
BEGIN { @foo = 99 }
puts @foo

I don’t know why you need the eval.

Good luck!
Randy K.

On Nov 8, 2007, at 3:04 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Remember the motivation was to have a separate config file for these
variables. Unless ruby has something akin to the C-preprocessor
#include then we are stuck with reading a file, which means we are
stuck with a string, which means we are stuck with eval, which means
we are stuck with ugly hacks in order to obtain local variables.

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require “attributes” ### gem install attributes

class Config
attribute “width”
attribute “height”
attribute “color”

def self.load path
config = new
config.instance_eval IO.read(path)

def configure &block
instance_eval &block

config = Config.load “b.rb”

p config

config.configure{ width 42.0 }

p config

cfp:~ > cat b.rb
configure {
width 42

height 42.0

color “pinky-beige”

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
#<Config:0x1ea3c @color=“pinky-beige”, @height=42.0, @width=42>
#<Config:0x1ea3c @color=“pinky-beige”, @height=42.0, @width=42.0>

it’s true that they are not local vars but i think the effect is
useful enough.

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

From: ara.t.howard [mailto:[email protected]]

class Config

i get a TypeError here :slight_smile:

attribute “width”

attribute “height”

attribute “color”

is it possible without declaring those above?
i mean, something like some sort of attrib_eval(like below) but
automagically creates those attributes…

config.instance_eval IO.read(path)

kind regards -botp

On Nov 8, 2007, at 8:14 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

i mean, something like some sort of attrib_eval(like below) but
automagically creates those attributes…

config.instance_eval IO.read(path)

kind regards -botp

if i’m following correctly, you mean this?

cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require “attributes”

class Config
def self.load path
config = new
config.configure IO.read(path)

def configure *a, &b
@configuring = true
instance_eval *a, &b
@configuring = false

def method_missing m, *a, &b
super unless @configuring
attribute m
send m, *a, &b

config = Config.load “b.rb”

p config

config.configure{ width 42.0 }

p config

cfp:~ > cat b.rb
configure {
width 42

height 42.0

color “pinky-beige”

honky true

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
#<Config:0x21020 @width=42, @height=42.0, @configuring=false,
@color=“pinky-beige”, @honky=true>
#<Config:0x21020 @width=42.0, @height=42.0, @configuring=false,
@color=“pinky-beige”, @honky=true>


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

From: ara.t.howard [mailto:[email protected]]

cfp:~ > cat a.rb

require “attributes”

class Config

arggg, i have

require “rubygems”
require “attributes”
class Config

and i still get a

ruby a.rb
a.rb:3: Config is not a class (TypeError)


i’m on windows btw

def self.load path

ah, yes. very clever. that could make for another config gem
magical auto attributes indeed :slight_smile:

kind regards -botp

On Nov 8, 2007, at 9:46 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:


i’m on windows btw

looks to be rubygems

cfp:~ > ruby -e’ require “rubygems”; class Config; end; p 42 ’
-e:1: Config is not a class (TypeError)

cfp:~ > ruby -e’ require “attributes”; class Config; end; p 42 ’

wanna file a bug report? otherwise i can.

def self.load path

ah, yes. very clever. that could make for another config gem
magical auto attributes indeed :slight_smile:

hmmm. i’d probably give it a little more thought - but that’s not a
bad idea. what else would such a beast do?


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

On Nov 8, 2007, at 9:46 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

a.rb:3: Config is not a class (TypeError)

just realized i’d seen this before:

cfp:~ > ruby -e’ require “rbconfig”; class Config; end; p 42 ’
-e:1: Config is not a class (TypeError)

so it’s not gems, but ruby dropping Config up there. guess we’ll
have to pick another name :wink:

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

On Nov 8, 9:30 pm, “ara.t.howard” [email protected] wrote:

cfp:~ > cat b.rb
configure {
width 42

height 42.0

color “pinky-beige”

it’s true that they are not local vars but i think the effect is
useful enough.

Thanks for the response. Actually I previously abandoned this kind of
setup because it was inconsistent with the rest of my rakefile. I
don’t want a clear distinction between config variables and regular
variables — in fact, the blurrier the better. If I decide to move
one variable into the config section, there should be no associated
code changes.

One solution is to put all my variables in that config class,
whereupon I would call it class Stuff. But then the rakefile is
messier and harder to manage: “s.foo ; s.bar ;” instead of “foo ;
bar ;”. I can avoid these “s.” prefixes by putting everything inside
an instance_eval, but then I am back to exactly the same problem I had
in my second post in this thread. Namely, “foo = 99” creates a local
variable ‘foo’ instead of calling Stuff#foo=, whereupon I have two
'foo’s and all hell breaks loose.

On Nov 9, 10:30 am, “ara.t.howard” [email protected] wrote:

Well it’s the opposite. Having to adjust the syntax of each mention
of a variable just because you moved the variable into a config file
is confusing to maintain.

not so, attributes allows a default block and getter as setter. so
you don’t need to say

s.foo = 99


foo 99

But like I said above, it’s a maintenance problem. Setting some
variables with “foo 99” and others with “bar = 88” is confusing. When
I decide to place bar in a config file, I have to change all mentions
of “bar = blah” to “bar blah”. Not using local variables at all would
achieve consistency but would introduce a different flavor of

you cannot set a local variable via eval

Not so:

val = nil
eval “val = 12”
p val # => 12

On Nov 9, 2007, at 5:55 AM, [email protected] wrote:

Thanks for the response. Actually I previously abandoned this kind of
setup because it was inconsistent with the rest of my rakefile. I
don’t want a clear distinction between config variables and regular
variables — in fact, the blurrier the better. If I decide to move
one variable into the config section, there should be no associated
code changes.

sounds very confusing to maintain to me, but it’s your party

One solution is to put all my variables in that config class,
whereupon I would call it class Stuff. But then the rakefile is
messier and harder to manage: “s.foo ; s.bar ;” instead of “foo ;
bar ;”. I can avoid these “s.” prefixes by putting everything inside
an instance_eval, but then I am back to exactly the same problem I had
in my second post in this thread. Namely, “foo = 99” creates a local
variable ‘foo’ instead of calling Stuff#foo=, whereupon I have two
'foo’s and all hell breaks loose.

not so, attributes allows a default block and getter as setter. so
you don’t need to say

s.foo = 99


foo 99

if you move your code to using attributes it’s quite easy to to allow
it to be externally configured. your other alternative is using
@instance_vars. you cannot set a local variable via eval and ruby
provides no #include syntax so simply cannot do what you are trying
to do - it’s swimming upstream.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/

Maybe something like this is what you’re after?

config = “foo = 42”
source = “def config_vars; #{config}; binding; end; config_vars”
kv = eval(“local_variables.inject({}) {|h,v| h[v] = eval(v); h}”,
p kv

>> {“foo”=>42}

You might want to use a random string for the method name to avoid
name collisions or use an anonymous module but the basics are here.
