Local variable in loop affects callcc

I was trying to do some simple backtracking, but it kept failing for
some reason. In the simplified version below, I use continuations to
return either a 1 or 2 from interval. testcc assigns a value to the
array, prints it out, then calls the next continuation on the stack
(@next_cc) to jump back into interval and return the other number. The
output should be:
[1, 1]
[1, 2]
[2, 1]
[2, 2]

But if I introduce a temporary local variable, I get this instead:
[1, 1]
[1, 2]
[1, 1] # WRONG
[1, 2] # WRONG

The local variable seems to cause the continuations to jump only to
the point where i=1, not where i=0 where it should go. How does a
local variable effect continuations like that?

I’m using “ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]” built
for Ubuntu. Thanks for your help.

def interval
return callcc { |ret|
callcc { |k|

def testcc
@next_cc = []
a = Array.new(2)
for i in 0…2

This produces the WRONG output

x = interval

a[i] = x

This produces the CORRECT output

a[i] = interval


puts a.inspect

while (not @next_cc.empty?) do

Hi –

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Pinku S. wrote:

I’m using “ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]” built

This produces the CORRECT output

a[i] = interval

puts a.inspect

while (not @next_cc.empty?) do

I haven’t unraveled it entirely but I believe it’s not about the local
variable itself; it’s about the fact that the interval method gets
called before the assignment to a[i]. If you do this:

a[i] = x = interval

you’ll get the result you want.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Pinku S. [email protected] wrote:

I’m using “ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]” built

Like David, I haven’t fully unravelled this myself, however it appears
to be a scoping issue. If you replace the

for i in 0…2


(0…2).each do |i|

you get the correct result in both cases.


On Sep 9, 1:30 pm, “David A. Black” [email protected] wrote:

output should be:


This produces the WRONG output



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“a[i] = x = interval” probably gets translated into “a[i] = interval”
anyway because x is not used. I want to do something with the value of
x before I assign it to the array. The sample code I posted is just a
simplified version of my code that still exhibits the bug.

Sean O’halpin wrote:

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Pinku S. [email protected] wrote:

I’m using “ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]” built

Like David, I haven’t fully unravelled this myself, however it appears
to be a scoping issue. If you replace the

for i in 0…2


(0…2).each do |i|

you get the correct result in both cases.


Ko1 once showed me a trick with continuations and local variables.
Local variables in the Ruby stack are not restored to their values when
the continuation is reentered. However, variables stored in the C-stack
(by the implementation) are restored (since the C-stack is copied and
restored when calling a continuation). (NOTE: I may have this
backwards, it is too late at night).

I suspect this may be the essential difference between for and each.

– Jim W.

Hi Pinku, I like continuations, so I tried to understand your problem.
If you change the #testcc method a little bit, you can see what’s
going on:

def testcc
@seq = 0
@next_cc = []
a = ["", “”]
for i in 0…2
# This produces the WRONG output
# x = interval
# a[i] << “/#{@seq += 1}:#{x}”

  # This produces the CORRECT output
  a[i] << ( x = interval
    "/#{@seq += 1}:#{x}" )


I changed the array “a” to contain two strings and then append the
results of the method #interval plus a sequence number to those
strings. The version with the output you desire yields the following

["/1:1", “/2:1”]
["/1:1", “/2:1/3:2”]
["/1:1/4:2", “/2:1/3:2/5:1”]
["/1:1/4:2", “/2:1/3:2/5:1/6:2”]

The other version yields

["/1:1", “/2:1”]
["/1:1", “/2:1/3:2”]
["/1:1", “/2:1/3:2/4:2/5:1”]
["/1:1", “/2:1/3:2/4:2/5:1/6:2”]

As you can see, in both cases the method #interval is called in the
same sequence with the same results:


The only difference is that the result of the fourth invocation (4:2)
is stored into different locations of the array “a”. The outcome
depends on the time when the array index “i” is evaluated: in the
“correct” version the index is evaluated before calling the
#interval method and creating the continuations, in the “wrong”
version the index is evaluated after the call. It has nothing to do
with introducing a local variable, as you can see in the code above,
where the “correct” version also uses a local variable.


2008/9/12 Pinku S. [email protected]:

I hope someone familiar
with the runtime can explain why local variables are sometimes not
stored correctly.

What I wanted to show with the modified example is that AFAIK local
(Ruby) variables aren’t restored at all. Here’s another simple

i = 0
cc = callcc { |cc| cc }
puts “i is #{i}”
exit if i > 0
i = 1

The output is:

i is 0
i is 1


On Sep 12, 6:00 am, Pit C. [email protected] wrote:

The only difference is that the result of the fourth invocation (4:2)
is stored into different locations of the array “a”. The outcome
depends on the time when the array index “i” is evaluated: in the
“correct” version the index is evaluated before calling the
#interval method and creating the continuations, in the “wrong”
version the index is evaluated after the call. It has nothing to do
with introducing a local variable, as you can see in the code above,
where the “correct” version also uses a local variable.

I modified your code to verify that the continuation is jumping back
to the correct place in the stack, but the value of i is not being
saved correctly. Somehow, your “correct” version causes the runtime to
preserve i on the stack. It also works if I convert the FOR loop to an
EACH method. But somehow the FOR loop doesn’t save i correctly. I
suspect Jim’s post is closer to the truth. I hope someone familiar
with the runtime can explain why local variables are sometimes not
stored correctly. Your “correct” code works, but FOR loops don’t.

inside i==0, but i is really 0
inside i==1, but i is really 1
[“/1:1”, “/2:1”]
inside i==1, but i is really 1
[“/1:1”, “/2:1/3:2”]
inside i==0, but i is really 1 ### Here’s where “i” did not get
restored correctly
inside i==1, but i is really 1
[“/1:1”, “/2:1/3:2/4:2/5:1”]
inside i==1, but i is really 1
[“/1:1”, “/2:1/3:2/4:2/5:1/6:2”]

Modified code:
for i in 0…2
# This produces the WRONG output
if (i==0)
x = interval
puts “inside i==0, but i is really #{i}”
x = interval
puts “inside i==1, but i is really #(i}”
a[i] << “/#{@seq += 1}:#{x}”

  # This produces the CORRECT output

a[i] << ( x = interval

“/#{@seq += 1}:#{x}” )
