Any idea why this fixture would fail to load any data?
%w( Admin Pharmacist PI/Co-PI Research\ Nurse ).each { |g|
Group.create( :name => g ) }
It works perfectly in irb but when I do rake db:fixtures:load I get no
data, no errors, and no error logs.
I realize my fixture doesn’t look like your typical run-of-the-mill
fixture but it’s that way because I’m trying to work around another
issue with the Oracle Ruby driver. It won’t load fixtures without ids
and it won’t increment the sequence:
name: Admin
I get this error:
rake aborted!
OCIError: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
(“XXX_DEV”.“GROUPS”.“ID”): INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES (‘Research
id: 10000
name: Admin
When I try to add another record after that fixture I get errors about
non-unique keys:
Group.create( :name => ‘Foo’ )
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00001: unique constraint
(XXX_DEV.SYS_C0056596) violated: INSERT INTO groups (name, id)
VALUES(‘Foo’, 10000)
Greg D.