Loading, CGI and some aother questions


I’m learning Ruby right now, and I have couple of questions about it.

  1. What is the best way to store configs for ruby programs? Is there a
    way to include an rb file with data structure so that it is assigned to
    some variable in the including code? If there is such a way, would it be
    worse than using YAML serialization or better?

  2. What is the most “universal” way to work with web environments? Will
    CGI work well if used under mod_ruby or in other non-cgi environments?

Gambler Gluck wrote:


I’m learning Ruby right now, and I have couple of questions about it.

  1. What is the best way to store configs for ruby programs? Is there a way to include an rb file with data structure so that it is assigned to some variable in the including code? If there is such a way, would it be worse than using YAML serialization or better?

The sourcing a .rb file is more flexible, however you risk code
injection that way. Usual considerations apply.

David V.

On Nov 11, 2006, at 8:57 AM, Gambler Gluck wrote:

  1. What is the best way to store configs for ruby programs? Is
    there a way to include an rb file with data structure so that it is
    assigned to some variable in the including code? If there is such a
    way, would it be worse than using YAML serialization or better?

I really believe YAML was made for configuration files. It’s my
first choice, for sure.

James Edward G. II