Loading a PHP file without a query string parameter downlo

We’re upgrading our web server (physical machine). Our site works fine.

However, I noticed that going to a PHP file, i.e. /index.php causes the
file to download. Going to /index.php?asdfasdf causes the file to work
correctly. Help?

In our Nginx configuration we have:

            location ~ \.php$
                    fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
                    include fcgi;
                    fastcgi_pass joomphp;

In our old server, this works fine and we don’t have this issue.

Ilan B.
Chief Technology Officer

6300 NE 1st Ave., Suite 203
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
(954) 771-0914


Time4Learning.com - Online interactive curriculum for home use, PreK-8th
Time4Writing.com - Online writing tutorials for high, middle, and
elementary school students.
Time4Learning.net - A forum to chat with parents online about kids,
education, parenting and more.
spellingcity.com - Online vocabulary and spelling activities for
parents and students.


On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 08:59:04PM -0500, Ilan B. wrote:

                    fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
                    include fcgi;
                    fastcgi_pass joomphp;

In our old server, this works fine and we don’t have this issue.

Browser cache?

Maxim D.

That’s what it was, thanks.

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Maxim D. [email protected]

In our Nginx configuration we have:
Browser cache?

Maxim D.

nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page

Ilan B.
Chief Technology Officer

6300 NE 1st Ave., Suite 203
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
(954) 771-0914


Time4Learning.com - Online interactive curriculum for home use, PreK-8th
Time4Writing.com - Online writing tutorials for high, middle, and
elementary school students.
Time4Learning.net - A forum to chat with parents online about kids,
education, parenting and more.
spellingcity.com - Online vocabulary and spelling activities for
parents and students.