Load before show

Hi everyone.

I have one problem and I don´t know how to start to solve.Here it is:
I want to do a webpage for show an image, that image change every
second. I had succes for show and refresh the image every second, but
the result that I obtain was not the best. this is due to the loading
times. I think one solution but I don´t know how to do it in rails. My
solution is to show the old image while the new image is loading, and
when it finishes the load show the new image. But the principal problem
is that the new image it´s saved on the file where it was the old image.
Anyone can give any tip, about how can I do for solve this problem??

Thanks a lot!!


Ajax could work well here. Check out “periodically_call_remote”.

Sharagoz – wrote:

Ajax could work well here. Check out “periodically_call_remote”.

I use the periodically call remote for refresh the image, but now the
thing I want is to show the old image before the new image is loading,
because if I don´t do that the image sequency doesn´t seem a video. My
question is How to hide the new image while it loads.
