Listing folder contents

Im listing the contents of a folder using this:
Find.find(’/Volumes/MYBOOK/stuff/’) do |f| p f end
This is fine, but im seeing hidden files are with ._ prefix.
Is there any easy way to exclude this?
The folder contains sub folders alphabetised, as in a, b, c, d etc
another thing; when i print this i get:
how could i just print

Hi Eoghan,

On 08.03.2008, at 17:13, eoghan wrote:

Im listing the contents of a folder using this:
Find.find(’/Volumes/MYBOOK/stuff/’) do |f| p f end
This is fine, but im seeing hidden files are with ._ prefix.
Is there any easy way to exclude this?

If you just don’t want ‘._’ prefix then match the File.basename with
regex and
do an if.

Find.find(’/Volumes/MYBOOK/stuff/’) do |f|
puts(f) if not File.basename(f).match(/^._/)

Find.find(pwd.chomp) do |f|
puts(f) if not f.match(/^._/)

If you don’t want to see all hidden files you can use Rake::FileList
of using Find.find.
irb> Rake::FileList[’**/*’]
=> [“bfs_listing.rb”, “bla”, “bla/bla”, “bla/bla/bla”, “bla/bla/bla/
“bla/bla/bla/bla/fasel2”, “bla/fasel”, “test1”]

Here my example dir tested with your find
irb> Find.find(".") do |f| p f end
=> nil

The folder contains sub folders alphabetised, as in a, b, c, d etc
another thing; when i print this i get:
how could i just print

The behaviour of Rake::FileList is that what I think you want, but
you can
implement your own tree traverse if you want.

hth. sz