dear frnds…
pls help me
i hv stuck up in solving thw cookbook2 tutorial…
in this i stuck at the point of creating views in which i have to
create list.rhtml in views part of mine application and i have to
change in my controller as
def list
and now i am opening the link in my browser http://localhost:3000/recipe/list
the page is not opening.the error which is dispaying on the page is as
NameError in RecipeController#list
undefined local variable or method recipe' for #<RecipeController: 0x4855b48> RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/recipe_controller.rb:4:in list’
Parameters: None
Show session dump
Headers: {“cookie”=>[], “Cache-Control”=>“no-cache”}
this is the error which i am reciving in solving cookbook2
pls help me in solving this problem…
i am very thankful to one who pls help me in solving this problem
waiting for reply…
dear frnds…
pls help me
i hv stuck up in solving thw cookbook2 tutorial…
in this i stuck at the point of creating views in which i have to
create list.rhtml in views part of mine application and i have to
change in my controller as
def list
While humans can tolerate a lack of capitalisation, ruby won’t. That
should be Recipe. In addition find_all is deprecated (and probably
removed by now), which suggests that you are following a rather out of
date tutorial (you should write Recipe.find :all instead)
sir after changing the path same is not running.
template missing error is displaying there .
pls help me in one other case that how i can link some data to
wikipedia in ruby…??
sir after changing the path same is not running.
template missing error is displaying there .
I’d check that the template exists (in the right place, with
appropriate capitalisation etc…)
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